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 In regards to the lack of people...

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Oozing Anus
The Eternal Faggot
figus maximus
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figus maximus
figus maximus

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PostSubject: In regards to the lack of people...   In regards to the lack of people... Icon_minitimeFri Jun 04, 2010 3:59 am

Before I start I just wanna say that some things I might say here may be about YOU and may even offend you, but I'm sorry, I'm only telling the truth and mean no harm by it.


I'm sure we've all noticed the lack of people here. It could be for a variety of reasons, such as the fact that we're all growing up, getting real lives (Those exist?), etc. But today (or whatever day you happen to read this) I'm going to talk about a potential reason why people are perhaps...Losing interest in Hacker's League, if you will. First of all, half the time /nothing/ is going on. Sure people may be in the chatbox or whatever, but nothing, and I mean absolutely nothing happens except for the fact that we just sit there posting random words for hours at a time. Could that perhaps make people lose interest? I don't know, you tell me. Going hand in hand with that, and while this is more of a personal complaint I suppose, but nevertheless, I'm sure there's people who could agree that it could make this place less interesting. Now I'm sure we're all aware that this is the internet and yadda yadda yadda, however, we lack any real discussions. I mean sure we may have them from time to time, but from my point of view (Or maybe just me being a tad ignorant), they're few and far between. Instead we're always talking about the same things (I wont go any further in attempt to make sure people wont be hurt), be it just random crap we've made up (Think about it), or stuff we just do to get ourselves noticed when we feel ignored (I'm sure we're all at least partially guilty for this). Another thing is, we don't treat each other all equally. Now before anyone jumps to any conclusions in whichever way you might, let me explain. To some users, we may say or do something and it'll be perfectly fine, but when we do it to another, its automatically something wrong that you should have never done ever (That's perhaps a bit over dramatized for the lack of detail put into it, but please work with me). For some users we just simply sugar coat everything, and for others, we don't. Again, maybe this is just a personal complaint and I'm probably starting to get off topic, but I don't think its really fair or right. If something effects us it should either effect all of us or none of us (Yeah I'll get back on track now).

In essence, we're loosing the very thing that held us all together when Hacker's League first started. We're loosing that genuine fun that we had 2 years ago. I'm sure you all remember it (And for those who weren't here then, it was a lot better than it is now). I mean sure we still have fun now, but its just missing something. Instead all we do now is spout out random words for hours on end, say or do the exact same things over and over again, or just sit there calling Chris, Dan, Steve, and I gay, homo, fags, etc.

But anyway, like I said, I'm not trying to offend anyone, I'm simply telling the truth, and only in regards to why I think there's a lack of people coming on Hacker's League these days (And not what the definite reason is).

Feel free to discuss this in any way you want.
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PostSubject: Re: In regards to the lack of people...   In regards to the lack of people... Icon_minitimeFri Jun 04, 2010 4:05 am

I agree with this. FUCK YEAH SEAKING
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PostSubject: Re: In regards to the lack of people...   In regards to the lack of people... Icon_minitimeFri Jun 04, 2010 4:09 am


in all seriousness though, i'm okay with how things are going. but maybe we can arrange for something, like... stuff to do. :V idk.

"For some users we just simply sugar coat everything, and for others, we don't."
well, different people are treated differently, but i kind of see what you mean. however, i don't really seem to notice it (probably because i'm doing it fhdugvjhntgr).

i don't think we sit around spouting random bs, though, i have to disagree with you on that. maybe in slow times, yeah, but we do have conversations and stuff. like when we talk about stuff that happened to us today, or games.

i don't think i come on as much anymore, but i try to do so at least once a day. but i don't like coming here if i'm drawing, because it distracts me and the picture doesn't look as great and stuff.

also i have to do summatives (big end of the year projects for open classes, like cosmo) and my exams and stuff. not like ALL THE TIME lol just around now.
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figus maximus
figus maximus

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PostSubject: Re: In regards to the lack of people...   In regards to the lack of people... Icon_minitimeFri Jun 04, 2010 4:10 am

Oh, I have no doubts that we do have actual conversations, its just that they don't seem quite as plentiful as they once were.
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PostSubject: Re: In regards to the lack of people...   In regards to the lack of people... Icon_minitimeFri Jun 04, 2010 5:02 am

yeah well summer's coming up and i remember that all of our summers so far had a lot of people coming back
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The Eternal Faggot
The Eternal Faggot

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PostSubject: Re: In regards to the lack of people...   In regards to the lack of people... Icon_minitimeFri Jun 04, 2010 6:56 am

I agree with pretty much everything said. I don't know if it's the fact that I'm a Christian, or an American, but I definitely agree that /EVERYONE/ should be treated the exact same way on here, in other words as a human being, not an animal. Granted there will be people whom you like or dislike more than others, if you're going to tell someone something and you sugarcoat it for them, then you should do the same to everyone else.

I also agree with the facts of people calling people gay, if you all want to do that to anyone, do it to me because I'm probably one of the only on here that is half gay.

About the conversations, I agree. When I try to engage into a conversation, most of the time I'm ignored except when I come in and everyone says hey. That's the main reason I'm never really on anymore, I feel like I'm ignored far too often.

Now that I think about it, that may be the reason I started posting stuff about my sex life, because when I'd do so I wouldn't be ignored.... Sure people may be telling me STFU or STOP but it kept a conversation going.

I miss the old days when I'd get online and there'd be like 10 new posts or everyone would actually hold conversations in the chatbox.

I will say real life may be getting in the way of people getting on. I know me having to drive back and forth to Hazel Green (30 minutes each way) to visit my parents/brothers exhausts me quite a bit to where I don't want to get online sometimes, but when I do it's like a ghost town. It's like, "Where did everyone go?"

Anyways, just my two cents.
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Chris Brown
Chris Brown

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PostSubject: Re: In regards to the lack of people...   In regards to the lack of people... Icon_minitimeFri Jun 04, 2010 7:28 am

That's why I barely pop up. Plus girls yeahhhh.
And some of you make me mad.
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The Eternal Faggot
The Eternal Faggot

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PostSubject: Re: In regards to the lack of people...   In regards to the lack of people... Icon_minitimeFri Jun 04, 2010 8:01 am

Another thing.... The username changes.... It gets annoying especially when the colors change all the time..........
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Oozing Anus
Gordon Freeman
Gordon Freeman
Oozing Anus

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PostSubject: Re: In regards to the lack of people...   In regards to the lack of people... Icon_minitimeFri Jun 04, 2010 8:52 am

I agree with everything there, down to the last full stop.
I'm going to explain why I'm not online anymore in detail. Tl;dr it if you want, and don't get offended if it applies to you. I'm just posting it so you all know why I'm not online anymore.

Firstly, the chatbox. I like being able to talk to you all at once, but it is starting to irritate me. Why? There are a few reasons.
1) I get bored with the convos now. The conversations used to vary, and I used to enjoy them. But now, half the time when I go on there, the conversation is about anime or some random internet meme that isn't even funny and that people take too far. I mean, everybody can talk about whatever they want, it's fine with me - but when you go into the CB and almost /every time/ somebody's talking about it, you can understand why I get bored and pissy.
2) I can't go on there without feeling like an absolute dumbass at some points. No, not to my own fault. I feel like I can't say anything slightly topical on there anymore because I'll be called a dumbass for not understanding or agreeing with what you're saying. Jokes aside, I am from a place marginally different from America. It's only natural that I have different beliefs and morals, as well as knowledge on different things - I don't understand why you guys can't accept that.
3) We used to have fun with arguments, and portray our points of view in a lighthearted and interesting way. Now, we start a debate and it quickly turns into, "Are you really that stupid?" or "God you're a dumbass." I don't want to come on here anymore because I have enough problems of my own at the minute. I don't need that shit.
4) We used to care about people and try to help them when they had a problem, or were feeling down. Now they post why they're upset and 80% of the time they get ignored in favour of some stupid conversation. Am I the only person that sees something wrong with that?

Another reason is what Hoods said: there's not really anything to do anymore. Don't really know how to elaborate on this, so I'll leave it like that.

I have exams at the minute. So yeah. Lol.

I have a lot going on myself at the minute. Too much to explain, but to give you an example, my best friend's mum kicked him out of the house, and I have no idea where he is. I'm just over everything at the minute and don't really feel like talking to anybody. Plus I don't feel like getting called a dumbass or anything of the sort.

There's more but yeah. I know most people probably won't read this anyway, lol.
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The Eternal Faggot
The Eternal Faggot

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PostSubject: Re: In regards to the lack of people...   In regards to the lack of people... Icon_minitimeFri Jun 04, 2010 9:05 am

Dan, I agree with everything you said. Especially the ignored part.

I mean if I posted this thread, no offense, but I'm pretty sure it'd be overlooked because lets face it, I'm sure almost everyone thinks of me as the whining little bitch.

I mean look, the other day, I posted something that I really wanted some input on. Sure it was about my relationship, but so fucking what.... It was overlooked, just as I was 95% sure it would be.
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PostSubject: Re: In regards to the lack of people...   In regards to the lack of people... Icon_minitimeFri Jun 04, 2010 4:41 pm

Geez, everyone wrote giant paragraphs. But I read all of them.
I'll edit this later when it's not 5:40 in the morning, and can put all the stuff I want to into it. :B
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Chris Brown
Chris Brown

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PostSubject: Re: In regards to the lack of people...   In regards to the lack of people... Icon_minitimeSat Jun 05, 2010 4:48 am

Eh, problems, I guess if you guys are that close but that's what friends are for either way... If you overdo it you get annoying.
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Oozing Anus
Gordon Freeman
Gordon Freeman
Oozing Anus

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PostSubject: Re: In regards to the lack of people...   In regards to the lack of people... Icon_minitimeSat Jun 05, 2010 7:27 am

L wrote:
Eh, problems, I guess if you guys are that close but that's what friends are for either way... If you overdo it you get annoying.
No, I get that, but I mean when someone comes online after having a bad day and just explains what happened, and gets ignored.
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PostSubject: Re: In regards to the lack of people...   In regards to the lack of people... Icon_minitimeSat Jun 05, 2010 7:37 am

Humuhumunukunukuapua'a wrote:
L wrote:
Eh, problems, I guess if you guys are that close but that's what friends are for either way... If you overdo it you get annoying.
No, I get that, but I mean when someone comes online after having a bad day and just explains what happened, and gets ignored.

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figus maximus
figus maximus

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PostSubject: Re: In regards to the lack of people...   In regards to the lack of people... Icon_minitimeSat Jun 05, 2010 7:51 am

Humuhumunukunukuapua'a wrote:
L wrote:
Eh, problems, I guess if you guys are that close but that's what friends are for either way... If you overdo it you get annoying.
No, I get that, but I mean when someone comes online after having a bad day and just explains what happened, and gets ignored.

And/or make a typo which gets more attention.
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Gordon Freeman
Gordon Freeman

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PostSubject: Re: In regards to the lack of people...   In regards to the lack of people... Icon_minitimeSat Jun 05, 2010 9:29 am

this@hoods and dan
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PostSubject: Re: In regards to the lack of people...   In regards to the lack of people... Icon_minitimeSat Jun 05, 2010 10:09 am

"About the conversations, I agree. When I try to engage into a
conversation, most of the time I'm ignored except when I come in and
everyone says hey. That's the main reason I'm never really on anymore, I
feel like I'm ignored far too often."

"The conversations used to vary, and I used to enjoy them. But now,
the time when I go on there, the conversation is about anime or some
random internet meme that isn't even funny and that people take too


Yes, I have a life now, due to some epic changes in friends, activities, and interests. Yet despite this, I still go on the computer religiously. But what I do 99.9% of the time online is go on AIM and Facebook, because with the people I talk to on there, I can actually converse!

On here, it's like no. I can't talk about my life because I never get the slightest acknowledgment, and none of my interests are relevant to ANY of yours, and vise versa. So really, why waste time? Right before I started neglecting HL I only went on out of pure habit.

On rare occasion I can talk to Hoods or Dan about something.. I don't know... DIFFERENT. INTERESTING. Something we ALL can relate to, like school or our states or life! Why doesn't this happen more often?
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PostSubject: Re: In regards to the lack of people...   In regards to the lack of people... Icon_minitimeSat Jun 05, 2010 10:12 am

One last thing: I HATE roleplaying, because I suck at it and like most things in the CB I have no idea what's going on.

...No offense
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PostSubject: Re: In regards to the lack of people...   In regards to the lack of people... Icon_minitimeSat Jun 05, 2010 10:28 am

i think some of this is just timing.
i mean, usually i talk about my day at some point, and by the time people who want to talk about stuff like that logon, it's like we've already talked about that.
now i don't mean this like, "WE'VE TALKED ABOUT THAT ALREADY. WE'RE DONE WITH IT." no not like that. it's just that the people who were there before have moved on.
and it's like... if everyone's talking about, say, pokemon. and you're all "oh i don't want to talk about pokemon", then majority rules. 3: not saying this is HOW IT IS FOREVER, but like it can be difficult to change the flow of conversation if people are enjoying it, you know?
it's difficult, because people want to talk about different things.

& it's difficult for people who aren't like here all the time, because stuff changes and all. i don't really have a solution to this, though. the only thing i can think of it be online more often, but that's unfair because some people can't, & i can't expect that of them because it isn't their fault.

how should we resolve all these issues?

personally, i think the forums should be used more.
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PostSubject: Re: In regards to the lack of people...   In regards to the lack of people... Icon_minitimeSat Jun 05, 2010 10:36 am

"On rare occasion I can talk to Hoods or Dan about something.. I don't know... DIFFERENT. INTERESTING. Something we ALL can relate to, like school or our states or life! Why doesn't this happen more often?"

i don't think talking about our own countries is a good idea because then we get into competition about who's country is better yadda yadda
also i'm like the only active ontarioan atm. dhxfnjiop
&really, different people find different things interesting. FOR INSTANCE, OC time is like one of my favourite things. :V i know like all of this enjoy pokemon. maybe once b&w come out or are closer too, we'd all have more to talk about? :/
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PostSubject: Re: In regards to the lack of people...   In regards to the lack of people... Icon_minitimeSat Jun 05, 2010 10:44 am

"and it's like... if everyone's talking about, say, pokemon. and you're
all "oh i don't want to talk about pokemon", then majority rules. 3: not
saying this is HOW IT IS FOREVER, but like it can be difficult to
change the flow of conversation if people are enjoying it, you know?"

I don't mind the conversation not being in my favor from time to time, but (I guess you can say this relates to timing) constantly I see the same topics being brought up again and again and again. Or used to, actually. I don't really care to go on here anymore.

And sometimes, not even a real conversation is going on! It's like two people talking about one thing, one person babbling by themselves, and several people dead in the away box doing keymash or smilies in order to revive themselves.
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PostSubject: Re: In regards to the lack of people...   In regards to the lack of people... Icon_minitimeSat Jun 05, 2010 10:48 am

Joe Library wrote:
"On rare occasion I can talk to Hoods or Dan about something.. I don't know... DIFFERENT. INTERESTING. Something we ALL can relate to, like school or our states or life! Why doesn't this happen more often?"

i don't think talking about our own countries is a good idea because then we get into competition about who's country is better yadda yadda
also i'm like the only active ontarioan atm. dhxfnjiop
&really, different people find different things interesting. FOR INSTANCE, OC time is like one of my favourite things. :V i know like all of this enjoy pokemon. maybe once b&w come out or are closer too, we'd all have more to talk about? :/

Yeah, it's retarded having competitions to see who's homeland is the best. BUT, it does get quite a few people involved.

And how on earth did we manage to get EVERYONE in on conversations of the past, while everyone has different interests? This was never a problem back on Neopets, nor back when this site was still a drooling infant.
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PostSubject: Re: In regards to the lack of people...   In regards to the lack of people... Icon_minitimeSat Jun 05, 2010 10:51 am

One last thing: I'd rather not stay on here for hours trying to update myself on what's avant garde in Hacker's League, kthx
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Gordon Freeman
Gordon Freeman

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PostSubject: Re: In regards to the lack of people...   In regards to the lack of people... Icon_minitimeSat Jun 05, 2010 10:52 am

The Eternal Fire wrote:
Another thing.... The username changes.... It gets annoying especially when the colors change all the time..........

oh yeah, and about this:

roy's really the only one who changes his color, and he does it specifically to confuse people, sooooo...

the main reason why we use colors is to distinguish each other regardless of username

and because it makes our fonts look sexy.
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PostSubject: Re: In regards to the lack of people...   In regards to the lack of people... Icon_minitimeSat Jun 05, 2010 10:57 am

well, on neo we were more focused i guess. pokemon & pwning noobs.

usually people are away if they're doing something else, or uninterested.
i think, back in the day, we all shared more interests. but as time goes on, they're not as... interesting. like, we're exhausting our topics, you know? i mean, how many times can you talk about something?
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