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 New Beginnings

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Number of posts : 1524
Age : 31
Place you are be : FREEDOM
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Registration date : 2008-08-13

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lol Character: lffgfgfgfgdaferg

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 22, 2010 9:40 am

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Number of posts : 533
Age : 31
Place you are be : WildKat Cafè
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Registration date : 2008-06-11

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lol Character: Lulwhut.

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 23, 2010 7:12 am

Roc relaxed, but stayed close to Love, still eying Boc warily. "I have no idea what has gotten into Roc....he's usually friendly!" Neuge explained. "Oh, shouldn't we tell Vix Fiyero joined us, though?"
"There are still more of you...?" Fiyero asked, eyes wide. "I'm not used to so many people..." he confessed. "Was this really a good idea? I'm not the best when it comes to social skills..." Nonetheless, he followed them into the PokeCenter to meet this 'Vix' they were talking about.


Jasmine shut her door behind her, locking it. She threw her suitcase onto the bed and sank into one of the chairs. Perfection floated near the window, looking out. "Ugh... I wish I could've just brought my whole lab with me." she moaned. "It's going to be difficult to impress them with what meager equipment I managed to fit into my suitcase." She reached into her bag and pulled out a pokeball which contained her Gardevoir, Grace. "Grace," she started, releasing the Pokemon, "unpack my things. Set up the lab equipment as best you can. I have a presentation to prepare for." She turned to face her Porygon. "Perfection, I'll need you to go over formulas with me. Give me the succession to failure ratios for each." She ran a hand through her hair and sighed. "...I still can't believe I'm actually doing this. But perhaps one of those executives will prove to be useful, God forbid."
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Chris Brown
Chris Brown

Number of posts : 483
Age : 29
Place you are be : the pants of my 2d husbandos
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Registration date : 2009-09-12

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 24, 2010 8:41 am

Ridley sat on the desk chair, leaving the couch free, so Michael walked over it and sat down.
"This was a mistake," he started, putting his hands in his head and massaging his temples. He seemed stressed. "Some sort of joke. That crazy one who found the money shouldn't be here, what the fuck are we going to do with her? Unless she can be a bit more subtle, that's it. Fucking kaput. She can't just go jumping out a goddamn window every time she finds something.
"What do you propose we do?" He asked. He sounded very serious, something that was really unlike him. His pokemon seemed to notice this too, as the Honchkrow that was always near him let out a squeak and flew over that what seemed to be its nest.
Michael just sighed.
"I....don't know yet. If we could do something about that Relsy girl, she could be very useful. I am also waiting to see what Jasmine can do before judging her. She does seem to be serious about her job, so if she has any useful abilites she could come in handy. The other one...I can't say for sure. Still, trying to get rid of them so early might be suspicious. I don't want to risk it, but I suggest we wait and see how things go. Maybe if we could prove to the commandants that they're indeed useless and that we aren't getting anything good out of this they'll realize that it was a bad idea."
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Chris Brown
Chris Brown

Number of posts : 432
Age : 32
Place you are be : West Seneca
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Registration date : 2009-03-10

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 24, 2010 10:07 am

Relsy and Elissa also headed back to their rooms, Elissa leaving a microphone on the door or Ridley's room. She figured they had some protection against it, but if they didn't it was one more thing she knew could potentially know about them. Relsy toyed with her hair idly as they made their way up the stairs to their room. Mrs. Mime cautiously walked up the stairs, keeping close behind Relsy, copying every move she made. When they entered the room Elissa sat down at the desk her computer was in and saw she had 4 new e-mails. She read them, some requests to transfer some money across Team Galactic accounts. She was assigned to handle the Team Galactic finances a while ago. She was pretty good at it, and was rightfully trusted enough not to steal from the company.
"They seem pretty competent. They know what they're doing." Elissa said to Relsy, attending to the her financial duties.
"Yeah they seem alright" Relsy said, setting up her stripper pole in her half of the apartment.
"Come on Relsy. Do we need the hooker pole?" Elissa whined at Relsy.
"I NEED TO STAY IN SHAPE TOO!" Relsy yelled at Elissa, screwing the final screws into the ground.
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Number of posts : 2083
Age : 29
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Registration date : 2008-01-19

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Sep 24, 2010 10:19 am

"Alright. I think we should bring the commanders to this demo," Ridley said as he got up, "and see what they have to say." He began to move cages aside, looking for the pokemon which Eris was taunting. Finally, he found it. A small sunkern lay in the cage, quiet but shivering. Ridley put the cage on his desk, so it was there when he needed it. "Hopefully," he continued, "these galactics will be of use. Hopefully for them, I mean. I don't give a fuck either way." He lit his lighter near the sunkern's cage, seeing if he could get it to react. It twitched a bit.
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Chris Brown
Chris Brown

Number of posts : 483
Age : 29
Place you are be : the pants of my 2d husbandos
Warnings :
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Registration date : 2009-09-12

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lol Character: 5

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Sep 25, 2010 11:47 am

"Alright. I think we should bring the commanders to this demo," Ridley said, getting up "and see what they have to say." He began to move cages aside, for something. Finally, he found it. A small sunkern lay in the cage, quiet but shivering. Ridley put the cage on his desk. "Hopefully," he continued, "these galactics will be of use. Hopefully for them, I mean. I don't give a fuck either way." He lit his lighter near the sunkern's cage, and the pokemon twitched a bit.
Michael sighed again.
"Getting the commanders into this might be risky, but if we get their approval it'll be worth it. If they really aren't useful, I mean." He then looked at the small pokemon inside the cage, feel a bit sad for it, but he quickly pushed those thoughts aside. "What do you plan on doing with that one? Oh...Shouldn't we go see that 'demostration' Jasmine spoke about?"
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Number of posts : 2083
Age : 29
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Registration date : 2008-01-19

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Sep 26, 2010 4:16 am

"Yeah, well. They should be done in Mahogany by now, so unless the choose to fuck around at that base, they'll be here soon," Ridley said. "And as for this thing, I'm going to let whatsername experiment on it. It was Jasmine or something, right?"
Ridley put his lighter away, not wanting to kill the pokemon. "Anyways," he said as he swatted a mischevious Eris away from the sunkern, "we still have some time left. Do you want to call the commanders, or should I?"


At the lake of rage, rain was pouring heavily. The lake itself was churning violently, and roars could be heard coming from it.
Under an awning, a man stood with a houndoom faithfully by his side. The man's white-blond hair was soaked, and he was in the middle of drying off his sunglasses. The houndoom had opted to stay under the awning.
"Well, West, I'd say the broadcast is a success," he said, smiling as he put his sunglasses on his face.
West, the houndoom, barked in agreement.
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Number of posts : 533
Age : 31
Place you are be : WildKat Cafè
Warnings :
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Registration date : 2008-06-11

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lol Character: Lulwhut.

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon Sep 27, 2010 12:40 am

"Are you finished yet?" Jasmine yelled at Grace. "I don't have all day you know! Stupid creature..." Her Gardevoir gave her an apologetic look and went back to setting up lab equipment. Jasmine turned back to Perfection, "Well, have you found which formula would work best in these conditions?" The Porygon nodded and pointed to a piece of paper. Jasmine picked it up and quickly scanned over it. "...Perfect."


Trace stood at the edge of the Lake of Rage, his blond hair plastered to his face due to the heavy rain. A Kabutops stood beside him, sliding his blades together restlessly. "What do you think, Kyte? Our plan was a complete success. Just imagine what else we could accomplish." Trace smiled at the thought. Kyte simply nodded, seeming more interested in the lake than in what his master was saying. "Well, I believe we've finished up here. Perhaps we should start heading back to headquarters." He turned away from the lake and started walking. "Or maybe I should see how our boys in Goldenrod are doing. I do hope they haven't butchered our plans."
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Chris Brown
Chris Brown

Number of posts : 483
Age : 29
Place you are be : the pants of my 2d husbandos
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Registration date : 2009-09-12

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lol Character: 5

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 28, 2010 2:29 am

"Yeah, well. They should be done in Mahogany by now, so unless the choose to fuck around at that base, they'll be here soon," Ridley said. "And as for this thing, I'm going to let whatsername experiment on it. It was Jasmine or something, right?"
He then put his lighter away. "Anyways," he said as he swatted his banette away from the cage with the sunkern, "we still have some time left. Do you want to call the commanders, or should I?" he asked.

"I...I'll call them." Michael replied, taking out his pokegear and quickly dialing a number.


Kevin stood under one of the many trees near the Lake of Rage, observing team Rocket's latest success with a proud smile. Next to him, his crobat floated seemingly pleased as well, both completely undisturbed by the pouring rain.
"Well Arikado...everything seems perfect. I wonder how the kids are doing back in Goldenrod, though?" He then felt a faint vibration coming from his pocket. Taking his pokegear out and seeing the familiar name on the screen, he smiled. "Heh, just in time."
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Number of posts : 2083
Age : 29
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Registration date : 2008-01-19

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 28, 2010 6:37 am

As the pokecenter door opened, Vix looked up and smiled. "Hi," she said, waving to the guy with the tauros, "I'm Vix." She got up to shake his hand.
Darren approached the bull pokemon slowly at first, then grinned.
Kit didn't bother to look up from Vix's map that she had left out, and Spine followed suit.


Ridley drummed his fingers on the desk, obviously impatient. This whole team up thing had really set him off, but he wasn't exactly sure why. He absentmindedly withdrew his lighter and flicked it near the sunkern again. It rolled over pathetically, and never stopped shaking. "The hell did you do to this thing, Eris?" he quietly asked the banette.
Eris shrugged, the sinister grin never leaving her face.
Ridley turned his attention back to Michael, eagerly awaiting what the commanders had to say.


Julian felt a buzz go off in his pocket. He took his pokegear out of his pocket and glanced at the caller ID screen. "What could they be calling about?" he asked no one in particular.
West barked again, but his attention was on the Lake of Rage. He thought he had seen an off-coloured pokemon, but couldn't be sure. But didn't want to go out in the rain, so he stayed put.
"Julian speaking," he answered the buzzing pokegear. "What's up?"

Last edited by Tortillera on Tue Sep 28, 2010 7:35 am; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 533
Age : 31
Place you are be : WildKat Cafè
Warnings :
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Registration date : 2008-06-11

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lol Character: Lulwhut.

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 28, 2010 7:22 am

As he stepped into the PokeCenter Fiyero noticed two people sitting at a table, looking over a map. The girl looked up at him and smiled. "Hi, I'm Vix." she told him, proffering her hand to him. He shook her hand and introduced himself.
"Fiyero. At your service, ma'am." Kit pointedly ignored him. "Is he always like that?"


"It's about time." Grace had finally gotten everything ready for Jasmine, though apparently not quick enough for her master's liking. "Now I can get to work creating the serum... Perfection, run the time estimate again. Roughly how many minutes will it take?" The Porygon paused for a moment before beeping several times. Jasmine counted the beeps, 15. "So about 15 minutes? That's not too bad... I'll just have to hope they're patient people." She stood up from her desk, heading to a counter top covered in test tubes and various chemicals and herbs. "Make yourself useful and help me get this started, Grace. We're starting to run low on time."


As he was walking away from the lake, he felt a vibration in his pocket. Trace glanced at the ID, and smiled when he saw who it was. "Hiyo Mike." He answered. "There isn't a problem... is there?"
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Chris Brown
Chris Brown

Number of posts : 432
Age : 32
Place you are be : West Seneca
Warnings :
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Registration date : 2009-03-10

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun Oct 03, 2010 12:11 pm

"Wow, busy night!" Nuria exclaimed, sitting on her Louis Vuitton suitcase; Umbrella in one hand, phone in the other.
"No call for me though. I guess I'm just nearly as popular as you guys! You know, I want to be you just as much your little peasants." Nuria babbled, making some transactions on her phone. She was bitter about being sent to the Lake of Rage. She had good reason to be. The only part in the Lake of Rage scheme she was supposed to oversee was the financing, which she could do from the privacy of her luxury apartment in the beautiful town of Undisclosed. She was pretty sure the rest of the Execs knew not to piss her off, for she could accidentally cut the funding for their little project. Some tragedy that would be.
"While you play catch up with your underlings, I'm making money. Which, in case you didn;t know. Is tangible. What you offer are vastly undependable idealisms that sound like a psychiatrists medical notes from his latest patient."
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Chris Brown
Chris Brown

Number of posts : 483
Age : 29
Place you are be : the pants of my 2d husbandos
Warnings :
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Registration date : 2009-09-12

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lol Character: 5

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Oct 05, 2010 5:03 am

Michael stared down at his pokegear as the faces of the commandants started to appear, one by one as they answered his call.
He only called 3 of them, since Nuria handled the finances and he didn't think she would be really interested in this. Plus, he didn't like her much anyway.
"Julian speaking," Answered Julian. "What's up?"
Then there was Kevin, who was smiling. Michael didn't like him very much either. He kept calling him 'kid', which was almost as bad as that dreadful 'Mike'.
"Hiyo Mike." There was Tracey. "There isn't a problem... is there?"
"speaking of dreadful nicknames..."
Michael visibly frowned, but didn't say anything. The problem at hand was way more important.
Once he was sure that he had contacted all the commandants and that Ridley was also listening, he began to explain.
"...In a way, there is. You see, we have met the Galactic members that were asigned to this building. And...they're useless lunatics, to say the least. Only one of them seems capable enough, and we don't have proper proof of that yet, anyway. I assume you had your reasons for this alliance, but if all the members are like this, then this will just most likely slow us down. If you need further proof of it, one of the Galactic members if planning to do some kind of...demostration. We were wondering if you'd like to come and see it."
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Number of posts : 2083
Age : 29
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Registration date : 2008-01-19

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Oct 05, 2010 6:06 am

"Nice to meet you, Fiyero," Vix said amiably. "You'll have to excuse Kit; he's having passionate moments with my map. I didn't want to interrupt their time together."
"The sooner I memorize it, the sooner I can ditch you all," Kit replied.
"No. You love us too much. Especially my map."
"I was going to say I was kidding, but now I'm serious. Here's your map back. Goodbye forever." He handed Vix her map.
"... Is Kit leaving?" Lady asked.
"No," Kit said, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. He stood up to shake Fiyero's hand. "Kit Catastrophic," he plainly introduced himself. "It's a pleasure."


"Hm. I was under the impression that Team Galactic was rather capable," Julian said, "I had heard good things."
West whined a little, not liking his trainer's tone. He busied himself chewing up and burning any sticks under the awning, happy to be distracted.
"But I'd like to see this demonstration for myself," Julian admitted. "That is, if everyone else wants to. I believe we are finished at the lake?"
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Number of posts : 533
Age : 31
Place you are be : WildKat Cafè
Warnings :
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Registration date : 2008-06-11

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lol Character: Lulwhut.

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Oct 05, 2010 7:16 am

"Nice to meet you, Fiyero," Vix said. "You'll have to excuse Kit; he's having passionate moments with my map. I didn't want to interrupt their time together."
"The sooner I memorize it, the sooner I can ditch you all," was the reply.
"No. You love us too much. Especially my map."
"I was going to say I was kidding, but now I'm serious. Here's your map back. Goodbye forever." He handed Vix the map.
"... Is Kit leaving?" Lady questioned.
"No," Kit told her. He stood up to shake Fiyero's hand. "Kit Catastrophic," he plainly introduced himself. "It's a pleasure."
"Pleasure's all mine" Fiyero said, shaking Kit's hand. "Now if y'all don't mind my askin'... What are ya doin' here? You'd have to have somethin' in mind with this many people." He looked around at all of them, nervous. "I, uh... I'm here for the gym challenge, myself. But I, uh, also just wanted to travel..." He trailed off at the end, seeming sheepish. "Oh come on! How am I s'posed to travel with them if I can barely talk to 'em?"


Trace was silent for a moment, taking in the information Michael had just given him. Julian responded before he'd collected his thoughts. "Hm. I was under the impression that Team Galactic was rather capable," Julian said, "I had heard good things. But I'd like to see this demonstration for myself."
"Well..." Trace started, "I'm not sure about all of their operatives, but they seemed rather proud of their abilities as a whole. ...They did send one of their scientists, yes? I requested at least one." He paused, watching Kyte as the Kabutops slowly approached the edge of the lake. "...Yes, I shall attend this 'demonstration'." Trace decided. "And if it fails to impress... Well, I do need the practice."
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Chris Brown
Chris Brown

Number of posts : 432
Age : 32
Place you are be : West Seneca
Warnings :
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Registration date : 2009-03-10

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 3 Icon_minitimeTue Oct 05, 2010 7:41 am

The rain was beginning to clear up, and the sun was even peeking out from behind the clouds.
"Glad to see the weather had decided to match my mood!" Nuria exclaimed, glaring at the other executives. She found her good shoes in her bags and put them on, leaving the cheap rainboots she picked up on her way to the lake in a puddle.
"Alright" She started, then considered what she would say next.
"Well. I'm off to the base. I have make sure all the money is accounted for." She said, closing her umbrella and returning it to her purse.
"Oh yeah, I also have to pay some kid off for that wonderful tip on a cop spying on us." She said, shooting Trace an unenthusiastically snide look.
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Chris Brown
Chris Brown

Number of posts : 483
Age : 29
Place you are be : the pants of my 2d husbandos
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Registration date : 2009-09-12

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 3 Icon_minitimeFri Oct 08, 2010 8:51 am

"Huh, a demostration? Well everyone is going and we're done here, so why not. I'll go too, kid." Kevin said grinning, knowing how much Michael despised that nickname. He hated everything, that kid. It was amusing to him.

On the other end of the line, Michael's frown deepened a bit, if that was even possible. But he was glad he got a positive reaction from all the commanders.
"I'm glad to hear that. She said that the demostration would be in two hours, so you should hurry. I have no doubts that you will agree with us in this." He said, ending the call and leaning back on the couch with a sigh of relief.
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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSat Oct 09, 2010 10:41 am

"It's unanimous, then. We'll see you there," Julian said, then hung up. He called for West, who had gone for a run now that the weather was nicer, and started off to catch up with Nuria.

"Fuckin' A," Ridley muttered as Michael ended the call. He slumped over his desk, glaring at the small yellow pokemon as if it was responsible. He had begun to genuinely hate it, for no reason that seemed reasonable. "I really hope she fucks this thing up," he said bitterly.


"Well I sort of ended up here by accident, and I'm just sort of tagging along with Neuge," Vix admitted, placing her map back in her pocket.
"Just travel. Maybe I'll get a few badges," Kit said.
"I wanted to see the rest of Johto!" Lady chirped, "Oh, and just have all kinds of experiences! And I'm glad I've met new people already!"

OOC// lady you're such a derp
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Registration date : 2008-01-19

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon Oct 18, 2010 7:04 am

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Place you are be : FREEDOM
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Registration date : 2008-08-13

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon Oct 18, 2010 8:01 am

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Number of posts : 533
Age : 31
Place you are be : WildKat Cafè
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Registration date : 2008-06-11

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lol Character: Lulwhut.

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon Oct 18, 2010 8:35 am

((My bad, I'd forgotten to.))

"Well. Looks like we're off to Goldenrod sooner than I'd planned." Kyte looked up at his trainer, noticing that he seemed peeved. "The Galactic leader assured me we'd have no problems out of his team... I'm not pleased with what I've heard so far, but perhaps Mike's just misjudging." Trace sighed, and recalled Kyte. "I hope this doesn't turn out to be a mistake."


"Well I sort of ended up here by accident, and I'm just sort of tagging along with Neuge," Vix replied, putting her map away.
"Just travel. Maybe I'll get a few badges," was Kit's response.
"I wanted to see the rest of Johto!" Lady beamed, "Oh, and just have all kinds of experiences! And I'm glad I've met new people already!"
"Well someone seems happy." Fiyero smiled. "That's exactly how I feel!" he told Lady. I love seein' new places an' learning what the people there are like." He paused for a moment, seeming serious. "Actually, my dream is to see the whole world. But that'd take too long, so I'll settle fer Johto. ...But enough about me! What do you guys wanna do? I was thinkin' about checkin' out that tower over yonder... Boc seems 'fraid of it."

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Chris Brown
Chris Brown

Number of posts : 483
Age : 29
Place you are be : the pants of my 2d husbandos
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Registration date : 2009-09-12

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lol Character: 5

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 20, 2010 12:11 pm

"Fuckin' A," Ridley muttered next to Michael, while he ended the call. He slumped over his desk, glaring at the small yellow pokemon as if it was responsible. "I really hope she fucks this thing up," he said bitterly.
Michael barely glanced at his 'friend' and at the pokemon in the cage, who was still shaking violently.
He then sighed.
"I don't know. If they really proved to be useful, having them on our side could be an advantge. Jasmine, at least. The other two I've got no hope for."


"Hmm...Goldenrod is a bit far away, so I suppose we should get going!" Kevin said, flashing a smile at his pokemon. "Right, Arikado?"


"Pleasure's all mine" Fiyero said, shaking Kit's hand. "Now if y'all don't mind my askin'... What are ya doin' here? You'd have to have somethin' in mind with this many people." He looked around at all of them. "I, uh... I'm here for the gym challenge, myself. But I, uh, also just wanted to travel..." He trailed off at the end, seeming sheepish.
"Well I sort of ended up here by accident, and I'm just sort of tagging along with Neuge," Vix admitted, placing her map back in her pocket.
"Just travel. Maybe I'll get a few badges," Kit said.
"I wanted to see the rest of Johto!" Lady chirped, "Oh, and just have all kinds of experiences! And I'm glad I've met new people already!"
"I'm here to see Johto, too! I've lived in Sinnoh all my life so it's a nice change. I just might take on the gym challenges, though..." Neuge answered, smiling yet again.

"That's exactly how I feel!" Fiyero smiled, looking at Lady. "I love seein' new places an' learning what the people there are like." He paused for a moment, seeming serious. "Actually, my dream is to see the whole world. But that'd take too long, so I'll settle fer Johto. ...But enough about me! What do you guys wanna do? I was thinkin' about checkin' out that tower over yonder... Boc seems 'fraid of it."

"Oh, that's Sprout Tower isn't it? Roc seemed to be interested in it! We should go explore it, who know what we'll find in there. It seems so exciting!" Neuge said, giggling.

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Chris Brown
Chris Brown

Number of posts : 432
Age : 32
Place you are be : West Seneca
Warnings :
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Registration date : 2009-03-10

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed Oct 20, 2010 10:46 pm

"YES REALLY? OH MY GOD REALLY? IM THE HUNDRETH CALLER AAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Relsy cheered, on the phone with the local radio station.
"RELSY WHAT ARE YOU DOING BE QUIET IM TRYING TO LISTEN." Elissa screamed hunched over her computer, listening to the voices the bug she dropped on Ridley were picking up.
"RELSY SHH I THINK I JUST MISSED SOMETHING IMPORTANT." Elissa barked, desperately trying to listen to the conversation over Relsy's screaming.
"YEAH THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER!" Relsy exclaimed, hanging up the phone, still jumping on the bed.
Elissa just sat hunched over her computer, seething in anger. She didn't say anything more, she just threw the digital clock on the desk at Relsy. Just then she heard something intruiging.
"Jasmine is putting on a "demonstration"? Well that sounds stressful! She will need a support group, won't she Relsy?"
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best west
best west

Other / Decline to state
Number of posts : 849
Age : 29
Place you are be : NOTHING BAD
Warnings :
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Registration date : 2009-01-22

Charrie Displayz
lol Character: 5

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Oct 21, 2010 3:50 am

lol, dynamite
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Number of posts : 2083
Age : 29
Warnings :
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Registration date : 2008-01-19

Charrie Displayz
lol Character:

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu Oct 21, 2010 4:53 am

"Whatever. Fuckin' kids can play with their chemistry sets, as long as they don't get in my way," Ridley said. "I guess we should head out soon. See what she can do." He slumped back in his chair, staring at the clock.


Julian tossed the ball for West one last time, as they entered Goldenrod city. When the houndoom brought the ball back, he pocketed it. "Which building is it again? There's too many here," he asked, lowering his sunglasses and looking around at the city.


Kas sat up in bed, having been woken by the racket from the floor below. "What the hell is going on," he muttered. All he could here from the room below him was yelling about throwing hands up in the air and someone telling someone else to be quiet. Tossing back the covers, he got up and got dressed. He released Jetscream from her pokeball, and attempted to pull a comb through his hair before putting on his hat. "Let's go check it out, Jet," he said to the garchomp. He managed to not hit his head on the way out.
Jet nodded and headed out with Kas, heading down the stairwell.
Kas knocked on the door of the room under his, fully aware that team galactic was supposed to be here today. He hadn't cared enough to go meet them, but he supposed he was about to now.


"Yes! Sprout tower! I heard it like, moves," Lady said. "Don't give me that look, Kit! I'm not crazy!"
Vix shrugged. "I can't see why not. What about you, Darren?" she asked her pokemon.
The frog pokemon nodded.
"Sure. Whatever," Kit said as he got up again.
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