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 New Beginnings

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Number of posts : 2083
Age : 29
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Registration date : 2008-01-19

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Aug 21, 2010 3:34 am

"Good," Kit said curtly. He started out of the pokemon center with Spine behind him, not waiting for the others.
"Hey!" Vix called, running to catch up. Darren was startled for a moment, then followed.
Love was a bit surprised at first, then giggled, smiling happily atop the delibird's head.
"Aww," Lady cooed, glad the pokemon were getting along. "Oh, hey! Can't you guys wait up?" she called after Kit and Vix, hurrying to catch up.


Ridley returned to his own apartment, which was noticeably messier. The honchkrow glided to his "nest", which was just a high shelf. He delicately placed the pendulum among his other trinkets, then admired his handiwork.
"Hey Din, you know we're not staying here forever, right?" Ridley said to his pokemon, sitting down at his desk. "Don't get too comfortable here. I'm not carrying all that crap for you when we leave."
Din cawed in protest, and returned to admiring the shiny objects.
A hypno sat in a too-small cage, off to the side. It shivered, quite afraid.
Atop the cage, a Banette sat. It teased the hypno frequently, sometimes attacking it with night shade.
"That's enough, Eris," Ridley snapped.
Eris the banette looked disappointed, but floated over to Ridley's desk, hoping for some attention.
Ridley was busy with his own thoughts. "A team up? And I wasn't informed sooner?" he muttered to himself. He opened his laptop, intending to search for some more information on Team Galactic.
Eris floated around for a bit, then noticed a few things on the floor. She picked one up and dropped it on Ridley's keyboard. It was identical to the card Micheal had shown him.
"... For the love of-" Ridley checked and made sure the card was the same. Then he tossed it behind him. He got up, fuming now.
Eris cackled, the floated over to the hypno's cage again. The hypno whimpered.
"Alright. Alright, Eris, you win," Ridley said. He kicked at the cage, and the hypno made itself as small as it could, in a futile attempt to hide.
"Go, Discord," Ridley said, tossing a pokeball into the air. A skarmory appeared in a flash of red light.
Discord stretched, ruffling his razor-sharp feathers. He glared at the hypno.
"Kill it," Ridley ordered. He pulled out his skinning knife.
Discord did just that.
Ridley removed the fur from the hypno's neck. "Good. Nice and clean. Good job, Discord," he said, then recalled the skarmory. He threw the fur into a bin, where it landed among many others.
Eris cackled happily, floating from side to side in glee.
"Now leave me alone, Eris," Ridley said to the pokemon. He washed his hands, then returned to his desk, and began searching for info on Team Galactic.

Last edited by Vixtreebel on Wed Aug 25, 2010 7:25 am; edited 1 time in total
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Chris Brown
Chris Brown

Number of posts : 432
Age : 32
Place you are be : West Seneca
Warnings :
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Registration date : 2009-03-10

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Aug 25, 2010 5:52 am

Relsy ran ahead of Elissa, skipping every other step, Mrs. Mime struggling to keep up, and Uttertail clinging to her arm.
"I can't wait to see where we get to live, Elissa!" Relsy yelled, checking behind her to make sure Elissa didn't ditch her. The two of them were wearing long, cumbersome trench coats to cover up their work uniforms.
"Come on, Relsy. Slow down. There's no rush" Elissa huffed, lagging behind with her large suitcase. Her Chingling jingled softly, and rested on her head. She quickly swatted him off, not in the mood for his sentimental garbage. He jumped off, and floated behind her jingly every now and then.
"HERE IT IS ELISSA!" Relsy screamed down the hall. Room 2893. It looks nice!"
"It looks like the slummiest apartment I've ever had to stay in." Elissa replied dryly. Elissa was used to Team Galactic pampering her with all the best accommodations for business. She always had the most luxurious suite, finest apartment, and dined at the top restaurants on Galactic's bill. Maybe Johto was just a less classy place. Relsy eagerly opened the door to find a functionally decorated, midsized apartment.
"It's cute! I could get used to living here. Just look at the view, Liss!"
That nickname. It drove Elissa crazy. She was pretty sure Relsy didn't do it on purpose. But it drove her nuts.
"It's alright. It'll do. We are here for business you know." Elissa set her suitcase on the larger of the two beds and took her laptop out and put it on one of the desks. She made her way over to the window to see where she'd be living for what could be a long time. The vast Goldenrod City sprawled out in front of her, bustly with people, cars, and the occasional train. She took note of some street vendors selling homemade goods, she'd have to check them out later.
"Relsy, we have to check in to tell everyone we got here okay. You can use my computer if you don't feel like gettin yours ou--"
"No no no! I'll use mine!" Relsy dug through her bag and yanked out the pink laptop covered in flower stickers and dropped it on the desk. She opened it up and signed on to see a new email from a Galactic worker telling her locations are various marijuana dealers in Goldenrod.
"Hm, wow. They didn't think I would scope that out on my own? That's the first thing I did when I found out about this trip!" Relsy mused under her breath.
"Yeah, that's great. We're not here looking for treasure though." Elissa sent the email saying she got to Goldenrod alright and closed her laptop. She let her Bastiodon, Bibarel, and Volbeat out of their pokeballs, and took their beds out of her bag.
"As long you don't make any noise, you can stay out of your pokeballs while you all are in the apartment. If any of you makes ANY noise, the lot of you are back in though." She told the three pokemon. Volbeat nodded, and strutted past her disrepsectfully on his way to his bed. Elissa kicked it on it's way for having such an attitude. It looked back at her, surprised to be disciplined for once, and layed in its bed lazily. Bastiodon, the only pokemon that actually listened to Elissa, smiled and jumped on her bed.
"Hey-- Eh, I guess you can stay there. Just don't make a sound. We need to be under the radar while we're here."
Bastiodon nodded and drifted off to sleep. Relsy also let her pokemon out, and they all jumped on to the bed and made themselves comfortable.
"Your pokemon need to stay quiet too, Relsy. I mean it. We have to stay UNDER THE RADAR. That means no treasure hunting until we better know the lay of the land. This mission is top secret."
"Yeah yeah yeah whatever. I'll keep them quiet." Relsy dismissed Elissa while she played Hearts on her computer.
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Chris Brown
Chris Brown

Number of posts : 483
Age : 29
Place you are be : the pants of my 2d husbandos
Warnings :
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Registration date : 2009-09-12

Charrie Displayz
lol Character: 5

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSat Aug 28, 2010 11:26 pm

"Hey, wait for me too!" Neuge exclaimed, running after them.
Behind her, Roc was trying his best to catch up with everyone while keeping Love safe on top of his head.


It was already getting dark by the time they finally arrived at Violet City, but the group decided to walk around the city to get to know it a bit before heading to the pokemon center to rest.
"I really like this place! It's very different from Olivine...huh? What's that thing?" Neuge said, pointing to the huge tower that stood past the bridge they were near to.
Roc looked up at the tower with curiosity, but then he shook his head and hid behind his trainer.
"Huh, what's wrong Roc?" She asked her pokemon. "Oh, I know! You must be tired too. Maybe we should go explore it tomorrow instead."


"...Krauss, did you hear that?" Michael suddenly stopped typing and spun his chair around to look at his gengar, who was lying quietly on the small bed.
Krauss sat up and looked at his owner, then shook his head.
"Huh...I'm sure I heard someone yelling in the hall....maybe I should go check it out just in case."
He stood up and walked towards the door, but before opening the door he grabbed one of the pokeballs from his belt and let the pokemon inside out.
"Dengeki, I need you to watch over Krauss while I'm gone. It won't be long, but I can't trust him to behave on his own. I'm taking the rest of the team with me."
The gengar looked slightly offended, he was way more clever than his owner thought. He'll prove it someday. He quickly brushed the insult off and grinned at the electivire that was now walking around the room, happy to be let out of his pokeball for something other than a battle. Even if it was looking after another pokemon.
"Behave." Michael said, leaving the room and closing the door.
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Number of posts : 533
Age : 31
Place you are be : WildKat Cafè
Warnings :
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Registration date : 2008-06-11

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lol Character: Lulwhut.

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Aug 30, 2010 7:51 am

"Oh calm down, Bock. We're almost there." Fiyero's Tauros was stamping his hooves restlessly as he walked, wanting to get to the PokeCenter as quickly as possible. "Look, it's right over..... Huh?" Bock followed his master's gaze, and understood the confusion. There was a large group of people heading into the PokeCenter, all with Pokemon in tow. "I wonder what they're here for." Fiyero mused. "Maybe they're taking the gym challenge as well? Let's go check 'em out, Bock!"


"...THIS is where we're staying?!" Jasmine was not a happy camper. She'd been forced out of her lab, spent days on a road trip to help an organization she'd never even heard of, and when she arrived, she got this? A dingy, run-down apartment complex? "I cannot believe this... They had better pay me well, or there's going to be hell to pay." Perfection was hovering around the building, giving it a disdainful look. Jasmine recalled her Dragonair and Milotic and picked up her luggage. "May as well get settled in. Ugh." She headed inside, glancing at the room numbers as she rushed by. "Ah! Here we are." She stopped in front of one of the doors, setting down her luggage and fishing through her pockets for the key. Her Porygon nudged her leg, trying to get her attention. "...What is it? I'm busy!" she snapped. Perfection pointed down the hall, indicating that something was there. "What? Is someone there?" she questioned.
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Chris Brown
Chris Brown

Number of posts : 483
Age : 29
Place you are be : the pants of my 2d husbandos
Warnings :
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Registration date : 2009-09-12

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lol Character: 5

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Aug 30, 2010 9:59 am

Michael was about to go back to his apartment after finding the hallway empty, but just as he was opening the door he heard a voice and turned around to see a woman with green hair and a strange uniform, with a porygon next to her.
"That uniform...where have I seen it before? Looks so familiar." He muttered to himself.

He decided to approach the woman, taking a few steps towards her. Surely, she was here for some kind of business. This apartment complex was reserved for team rocket members. Some kind of hideout. But she certainly didn't look like a team rocket member. Maybe....was she a team galactic member? That made sense, but he had no idea how to ask her about it. What if his assumptions were wrong and the woman was just lost? Not like he was ever wrong, but he wasn't gonna risk it.

"...Hello. Who are you?"
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Number of posts : 1524
Age : 31
Place you are be : FREEDOM
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Registration date : 2008-08-13

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Aug 30, 2010 10:06 am

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Chris Brown
Chris Brown

Number of posts : 432
Age : 32
Place you are be : West Seneca
Warnings :
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Registration date : 2009-03-10

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 2 Icon_minitimeMon Aug 30, 2010 10:28 am

As Relsy jumped on the bed, doing backflips and listening to music, Elissa heard a faint voice come from somewhere.
"SHH! Relsy, turn the music off and shut up for a second! I think I heard someone!" Elissa hissed.
Relsy did so quickly.
"I thought this place was supposed to be abandoned! Who could it be?! Are you even sure you heard someone?" Relsy rambled, obviously nervous.
"That was a rumor, Resly. I believed it though, I didn't see or hear anyone on our way up to the room. Just be quiet. I need to listen." Elissa whispered, barely audibly.
She listened. She hoped she was imagining things, because the last thing she wanted to do was have to deal with people.
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Number of posts : 2083
Age : 29
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Registration date : 2008-01-19

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Aug 31, 2010 6:37 am

Darren stared at the strange tower as well. It seemed to sway, but gave no sign of falling. "Would you look at that," Vix said, staring as raptly as her pokemon.
"That's Sprout Tower," Lady said, happy to be a guide. "It's supposed to be the remains of a hundred-foot bellsprout, or so I've heard."
"Good thing it didn't evolve," Kit said. Lady giggled at this.
Vix stretched, and then said "Well! It's been a long day, I guess we should take a break." She beckoned to her pokemon, then started off towards the pokemon center.
Kit snorted in contempt. "Already?" Spine cackled.
Vix came back and poked Kit in the chest. "Sorry, Mr. Macho. You'll just have to tone down your manly stamina for a while," she said, and headed towards the pokecenter again.
"Don't touch me," Kit called after her. He rolled his eyes and followed.
"Oh, wait, who's that?" Lady asked. She started waving to a guy with a tauros.


Ridley shut his laptop a bit too firmly when he could hear voices. A small crack appeared on the case. "Fucking, great," he muttered.
Eris cackled, then hid when Ridley threw a vase at her and told her to shut up. Din squawked at Eris disapprovingly, then made himself comfortable on Ridley's outstretched arm.
"Let's go see if we can't shut them up," Ridley said to his ever-faithful pokemon.
Din crowed in delight.
Ridley opened the door and observed the two in the hall. Micheal, and a stranger. "Well," he said, expression changing from thunderous to amused in an instant. "I didn't know we allowed visits from non-members! Is Mike here your boyyyyfr-... Oh." He had spotted the Team Galactic logo on her. "I see."
He leaned against the wall, raising his eyebrows and motioning for them to continue.
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Number of posts : 533
Age : 31
Place you are be : WildKat Cafè
Warnings :
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Registration date : 2008-06-11

Charrie Displayz
lol Character: Lulwhut.

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Aug 31, 2010 8:06 am

A member of the group waved at Fiyero, she seemed friendly enough. "Hey!" he yelled, waving back. He jogged over to her, Bock close behind him. "Wow. There sure are a lot of you guys. What are you all doing here?" He looked around at all the trainers and their Pokemon. Wow, their Pokemon! They had some he'd never even heard of before! They all seemed like they knew what they were doing too. Maybe if they were taking the gym challenge, they could give him a few pointers... "So uh... would you maybe have room for one more in your group?" he asked, hopeful.


As Jasmine looked down the corridor to where Perfection was pointing, she saw a figure approaching her. It was a young man dressed in black, he seemed somewhat annoyed. "...Hello. Who are you?" he asked her. She was about to reply when another man appeared. He seemed more... dangerous than the first. He glanced at the two of them and then spoke. "Well, I didn't know we allowed visits from non-members! Is Mike here your boyyyyfr-... Oh." He seemed to have discovered something. "I see."

"For your information," Jasmine began, addressing the newcomer, "I'm here as a representative of Team Galactic." She turned back to face the first man. "Jasmine Sharp, at your service. I'm the head scientist of Galactic's Pokemon Genetics Research. PGR, if you prefer. I've been sent to assist you in whatever way I can."
"Please let them be more competent than they look"
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Chris Brown
Chris Brown

Number of posts : 432
Age : 32
Place you are be : West Seneca
Warnings :
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Registration date : 2009-03-10

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Aug 31, 2010 11:59 am

"I heard someone! I knew I heard someone!" Elissa exclaimed, she wasn't crazy, and she shot Relsy a nasty glare for assuming just that.
"Did I just hear 'Team Galactic'?" Elissa said, shocked.
"Couldn't be. There's no Team Galactic branch in Johto." Relsy replied, still not taking Elissa seriously.
"But what if we aren't the only Team Galactic members here? If this mission truly is of epic proportions trusting only two operatives would seem daft."
"True, but why wouldn't they tell us?"
"Who knows, but the possibility of another operative here has piqued my interest. I'm going to see who's down there."
"Alright! I'm coming along though!" Relsy grabbed her bag, and Uttertail hopped on her shoulder. Mrs. Mime opted to stay behind, she was nervous and figures she wouldn't be much help. Elissa grabbed a Pokeball that contained her Zangoose and crept out of the door. She was silent and stealthy. She wanted to see these people before making her presence known. She focused on her steps, placing each one silently and carfeully. Her concentration however was broken when Relsy pushed her out of the way and zoomed down the hall. She sped down the stairs into the hall where Elissa heard the voices, huffed, puffed, and screamed, "STOP FIENDS!"
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Number of posts : 2083
Age : 29
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Registration date : 2008-01-19

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 2 Icon_minitimeSun Sep 05, 2010 9:06 am

Ridley was about to say something (his usual: rude and not particularily witty) to Jasmine when someone else came running down the hall.
"STOP FIENDS!" the girl screamed, huffing and puffing.
"The fuck?" Ridley muttered.
Din cawed and spread his wings at the newcomer.
"Wow. Are we just letting everyone in now?" Ridley said, lowering his glasses for a minute to get a clearer look at everything.
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Chris Brown
Chris Brown

Number of posts : 432
Age : 32
Place you are be : West Seneca
Warnings :
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Registration date : 2009-03-10

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 08, 2010 9:22 am

"YOU! WHO ARE YOU?" Relsy hollered, still a bit winded from the run down the stairs.
"Relsy." Elissa groaned, moseying around the stair case, into the hall.
"What if these people were a threat? What if they had guns?" Elissa lectured, uninterested in the situation at hand.
"...Hold on..." Elissa muttered. She examined Jasmine, she looked awfully familiar. Could she be the Jasmine? A fellow Galactic operative. Possibly. They'd only met once, but Elissa had a fairly good memory, and could usually trust her instincts.
"So, Jasmine is your name. Correct?" She inquired, glaring at the woman.
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Chris Brown
Chris Brown

Number of posts : 483
Age : 29
Place you are be : the pants of my 2d husbandos
Warnings :
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Registration date : 2009-09-12

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lol Character: 5

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 08, 2010 11:45 am

"Oh, wait, who's that?" Neuge heard Lady ask, and turned to look at the person she was talking about. Then she saw a young boy with a strange pokemon she had never seen before, but they seemed interesting. \
"Hey!" he yelled, waving back at Lady. He then jogged over to were they were standing, his pokemon close to him.
"So uh... would you maybe have room for one more in your group?" he asked.
"We would love to!" Neuge instantly replied, smiling widely. "...er, I mean if everyone is okay with it too." She added glancing at her new friends, slightly embarrassed by her sudden outburst. Now she was traveling in a group, and she had to consider everyone else's opion. She had always been too impulsive with making decisions.


Michael was waiting for the woman to reply, when he heard a voice he knew all too well.
"Well," Ridley said, and Michael didn't even sneak a glance at him. "I didn't know we allowed visits from non-members! Is Mike here your boyyyyfr-... Oh." He stopped talking, as if he had suddenly realized something. "I see."
This got Michael just a little bit curious, not like he would admit it. Maybe he knew her?
The woman replied before he got to think too much about it, though.
"For your information," She began, talking to Ridley. "I'm here as a representative of Team Galactic."
"So that's why it was so familiar. Damn, I should've known that. Careless mistakes like this could bring me down."
She then turned back to Michael.
"Jasmine Sharp, at your service. I'm the head scientist of Galactic's Pokemon Genetics Research. PGR, if you prefer. I've been sent to assist you in whatever way I can." She said, introducing herself. Michael just nodded.
She looked pretty...professional. He'd give her at least that.
"Michael Blair. I'm one of Team Rocket admins. It's....nice to meet you." He lied.
He was about to say something more, but just then another stranger came running down the hall.
"STOP FIENDS!" She screamed.
"The fuck?" He heard Ridley say.
"YOU! WHO ARE YOU?" she yelled again.
"Relsy." Said another girl that had just appeared , she seemed to know the loud one. Was Relsy her name?
"What if these people were a threat? What if they had guns?" The newcomer said, lecturing Relsy.
"heh." Michael thought, glancing at the gun holster that was on his leg. Surely they hadn't noticed it yet.
She then turned to look at Jasmine, examining her. Now that he noticed, their uniforms seemed similar. Were they team Galactic members too?
Jasmine who looked so professional and serious, working with that loudmouth? He snorted a bit at the thought.
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Number of posts : 533
Age : 31
Place you are be : WildKat Cafè
Warnings :
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Registration date : 2008-06-11

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lol Character: Lulwhut.

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 09, 2010 4:16 am

"Michael Blair. I'm one of Team Rocket admins. It's....nice to meet you." the man said, introducing himself. He looked like he was about to say more, but he was interrupted before he got the chance.
"STOP FIENDS!" someone shouted, dashing into the hallway. "...Oh please don't let it be..."
"The fuck?" The man across from Michael looked rather confounded by this new turn of events.
"YOU! WHO ARE YOU?" the newcomer shouted. This time Jasmine knew for sure... it was Relsy.
"Relsy. What if these people were a threat? What if they had guns?" Annnd that would be Elissa. At least she could get along with her. "What if they had guns? Are you blind, of course they have them." Jasmine thought. Off to her side, Michael barely suppressed a laugh. "Great. Already making me look bad." She glanced at Michael before turning to Relsy. "So. What exactly are you two doing here...?"
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Number of posts : 2083
Age : 29
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Registration date : 2008-01-19

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 09, 2010 4:46 am

"Of course!" Lady said, her smile brightening.
"Yes," Kit said.
"Oh? I thought you would've objected, Kit," Lady said, rather surprised.
"I didn't want to be the only guy," he replied matter-of-factly. With that, he headed into the pokecenter to tell Vix.


Ridley leaned back against the wall, taking in the situation. He debated on placing his hand on the handle of his knife, but decided against it. "I've never seen a more wrong way to sneak up on someone," he remarked, readjusting his glasses so that everything was once more vaguely orange. He wondered how much this Relsy would hinder their mission. 'Is she even supposed to be here?' he thought.
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Chris Brown
Chris Brown

Number of posts : 432
Age : 32
Place you are be : West Seneca
Warnings :
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Registration date : 2009-03-10

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 2 Icon_minitimeThu Sep 09, 2010 4:59 am

"Uhh, Liss, they do have guns" Relsy said, nudging Elissa.
"Sure, those are guns. But they aren't gun guns You know. Like big scary guns." Elissa lectured, picking at her nails.
"Oh yes, Jasmine, to answer your question: We were sent here, for some mission. We haven't recieved any information yet. They said it was on the way. And you? Same reason I presume, chances are the same mission too." She ran her hands through her thick hair and grabbed the pepperspray she kept on the neck of her dress. She might need this. She might not. These people looked crazy, but she didnt want them dead. She wanted to keep her job, and chances are, if she killed these two strange men (who she assumed were a part of the mission), she'd lose her higer-up status, or possibly her job. Just then, she looked over to Relsy who's pupils were beginning to dilate. Perfect. She was getting a vision. If she could find some treasure here, we could regain some credibility after her running and screaming down the hall. Lucky for us, they werent so threatening.
"Come on, you need to find something." Elissa whispered to Relsy.
"THE TREASURE IS CALLING ME!" she screamed, ripping up the carpet, finding a small door that opened up to a compartment with some cash in it. It wasn't much, but it proved her abilities.
"Perfect" Elissa thought. "I can't wait to see their pompous faces after that scene" she said, looking from Relsy digging through the cash, to the three figures in front of her.
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Chris Brown
Chris Brown

Number of posts : 483
Age : 29
Place you are be : the pants of my 2d husbandos
Warnings :
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Registration date : 2009-09-12

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lol Character: 5

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 21, 2010 6:03 am

"So. What exactly are you two doing here...?" Jasmine asked them.
"So they do work together..."
"Uhh, Liss, they do have guns" Relsy said, nudging the one next to her.
"Sure, those are guns. But they aren't gun guns You know. Like big scary guns." She replied, picking at her nails.
"they do shoot all the same, and I would be glad to prove it to you." Thought Michael, already getting annoyed at these newcomers.
Sure, he hated to admit it but he had gotten a pretty good first impression of team galactic thanks to Jasmine. But now, seeing those two...He was sure the new supposed alliance would only slow them down, if they had to work with that kind of people.
He was distracted from this train of thought when someone spoke again.
Oh yes, Jasmine, to answer your question: We were sent here, for some mission. We haven't recieved any information yet. They said it was on the way. And you? Same reason I presume, chances are the same mission too." Elissa said, and Michael noticed that she grabbed a small bottle of what seemed pepperspray. Michael's hand twitched and then reached for his gun, just in case.
However, he was startled by sudden yelling that made him almost fire his gun in surprise.

"THE TREASURE IS CALLING ME!" Relsy screamed, ripping up the carpet, finding a small door that opened up to a compartment with some cash in it.
Michael just stared at her, dumbfonded. What was that just now? He had made up his mind. Clearly, Team Galactic was made up of useless lunatics.
Though the greedy part of him was considering find out more about just how she had managed to find money like that. Maybe they could be useful, after all. Just maybe.
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Number of posts : 533
Age : 31
Place you are be : WildKat Cafè
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Registration date : 2008-06-11

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lol Character: Lulwhut.

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 21, 2010 7:29 am

"Of course!" piped one of the girls. The lone boy in the group agreed with her, which seemed to surprise her. "Oh? I thought you would've objected, Kit."
He responded with "I didn't want to be the only guy." before heading into the PokeCenter. Fiyero smiled. "Awesome. Oh! I forgot to introduce myself! Name's Fiyero, I'm from a ranch out near Olivine." He bowed his head slightly. "And if ya don't mind my askin', who might you ladies be?"


And there went Relsy with her treasure routine. She'd ripped up a section of the carpet and found some cash hidden beneath it. "Show off." Jasmine looked over at Michael, who seemed to have been caught of guard by Relsy's talent. She suppressed a smirk, and turned back to Elissa. "Same as me, then. No mission details, just a building to report to. Although it seems Our new 'teammates' weren't expecting us." She turned back to the two Team Rocket members. "Nonetheless, I will assist you in whatever way I can. If you'd like a... demonstration, just provide me with a Pokemon. Preferably one you wouldn't mind losing." The smile she gave them was cold.
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Number of posts : 2083
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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 21, 2010 8:40 am

Lady giggled, trusting Fiyero already. "My name is Lady, Lady Nacht," she said, bowing her head slightly and grinning.
Love hid behind Lady's boots, staring nervously at the tauros.


Ridley, who was becoming annoyed by all this yelling, did his best to look unimpressed. He didn't know what to make of the most recent outburst, in which Relsy had produced a large amount of cash in what seemed like a lucky guess, or some other worldliness. He couldn't convince himself that Relsy was useless anymore, not if she could do this on a regular basis.
Din eyed the shiny coins, but did not leave his perch. The crow pokemon could sense the tension, and thought it unwise to disobey at this point.
"I'm sure I have something in my room you could use," Ridley said to Jasmine, going through the mental list of pokemon he had kept in pokeballs in a safe. He had been planning to skin a few later, but he was curious as to what Jasmine's abilities were. He didn't mind parting with a few. "Anyways, is that everyone? I don't want to have to repeat myself." Ridley paused for a minute, allowing any surprise entrants to make their move. When he decided that that was it, he said, "My name is Ridley Steel, Team Rocket Executive."
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Chris Brown
Chris Brown

Number of posts : 432
Age : 32
Place you are be : West Seneca
Warnings :
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Registration date : 2009-03-10

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 21, 2010 9:03 am

Everyone was slightly shocked by Relsy's ability. Excpet Jasmine. She knew the whole song and dance. Relsy panicked.
"They're gonna kill me! What am I gonna do?!" She thought, vision blurry with confusion. Elissa looked over to see her eye twitching. Great. She was having a meltdown. It always happened after she found treasure. She went over the window and made sure it was open and the screen was removed. She checked to see how far down it was--not too far, and finally, she sent Chingling down to make sure she didn't go running around the city screaming. Relsy got up, shivering. She looked around, and it seemed everyone was more focused on the money she found than her. She screamed, ran down the hall, and jumped out the window. The parachute released, she hit the ground lightly, brushed herself off, and walked into the entrance of the building.
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Chris Brown
Chris Brown

Number of posts : 483
Age : 29
Place you are be : the pants of my 2d husbandos
Warnings :
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Registration date : 2009-09-12

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lol Character: 5

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 2 Icon_minitimeTue Sep 21, 2010 12:40 pm

"Of course!" Lady said.
Kit agreed with her, which surprised Neuge, but she let out a sigh of relief. She didn't to be the impulsive one and then have everyone disagree with her.
"Oh? I thought you would've objected, Kit." Lady asked him, seeming just as surprised as Neuge was.
"I didn't want to be the only guy." Kit said and left for the PokeCenter.

"Awesome. Oh! I forgot to introduce myself! Name's Fiyero, I'm from a ranch out near Olivine." The guy with the tauros said, introducing himself. "And if ya don't mind my askin', who might you ladies be?"
"My name is Lady, Lady Nacht." Lady said, giggling a bit.
Love hid behind her, looking at Fiyero's Tauros.
Roc noticed this and took a protective stand next to Love, glaring at the tauros. Apparently it was his duty to protect Love now.
"And I'm Neuge Gennara, nice to meet you!" She miled brightly. "And this here is Roc, my delibird." She said pointing to Roc, who was still glaring at the tauros.


"Nonetheless, I will assist you in whatever way I can. If you'd like a... demonstration, just provide me with a Pokemon. Preferably one you wouldn't mind losing." Jasmine said.
"Well, this is it. I'm stuck with two lunatics and a psycho." But even if he would never say so out loud, he was rather curious about what kind of demostration she was talking about.
"I'm sure I have something in my room you could use," Ridley said. Michael remembered that Ridley often caught pokemon for their valuable skins, killing them off to get the skin and sell it. It probably paid very well, but it just wasn't something Michael would do. He'd rather sell the whole pokemon off, after all.
"Anyways, is that everyone? I don't want to have to repeat myself." Ridley paused for a minute, as if waiting for any other surprising entrance. He then introduced himself again. "My name is Ridley Steel, Team Rocket Executive."
Michael didn't bother introducing himself again, it wasn't worth it.
Just then, he noticed that the Relsy girl seemed nervous, kinda out of it. She was also twitching.
Michael supposed he should be worried, at least a little bit, since she was now technically his co-worker. But instead, he just raised an eyebrow. Could these girls get any more weird? He hoped not.
Suddenly Relsy got up and looked around. Then she screamed and ran down the hall, jumping out of a window.

"...Well, seems like they indeed can." He thought, watching the window Relsy had just jumped from.
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Number of posts : 533
Age : 31
Place you are be : WildKat Cafè
Warnings :
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Registration date : 2008-06-11

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lol Character: Lulwhut.

New Beginnings - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 22, 2010 7:00 am

"My name is Lady, Lady Nacht." one of the girls said, giggling. Her Pokemon hid behind her, giving Boc a wary glance. The green-haired girl's Delibird moved to protect it.
"And I'm Neuge Gennara, nice to meet you!" chirped the green-haired girl. She gave him a dazzling smile. "And this here is Roc, my delibird." she pointed at him.
"Great to meetcha!" Fiyero declared, grinning. "Although it seems our Pokemon haven't started off on the right foot. This 'ere's Boc, my most trusted companion. He looks a lil' intimidating, but he's easy enough to get along wit'." Boc lowered his head, sniffing at Roc. "Hope this don't start a fight... That Delibird doesn't look too happy."


"I'm sure I have something in my room you could use," the dangerous-looking one told her. He seemed to think about it for a moment. "Anyways, is that everyone? I don't want to have to repeat myself." he said, pausing as if some new entity was about to join them. "My name is Ridley Steel, Team Rocket Executive." Before anyone could say more, Relsy started twitching. She looked around nervously before finally diving out a window at the end of the hall.
"She still does that?" Michael was warily watching the window she'd jumped from. Ellisa seemed nonchalant about the recent events. Jasmine cleared her throat to catch everyone's attention. "Well then, Michael, Ridley, meet me in my apartment in two hours' time with a Pokemon. I'll show you what Team Galactic is capable of." she declared, sounding smug. With that she left them, heading into her apartment. "I can't wait to see the looks on their faces..."

Last edited by MISH on Wed Sep 22, 2010 8:53 am; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 2083
Age : 29
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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 22, 2010 7:33 am

"Aw, he looks sweet," Lady said, brushing her hair back and smiling at Boc. "Love is just shy around pokemon that aren't of her type, that's all," she said, gently nudging the pink pokemon with the toe of her boot.
Love peeked warily between Roc and Lady's boots. "Smooch?" she said.

"Gee, what is taking those guys?" Vix said, having just healed Darren.
"Another person joined us," Kit said, idly flipping through a magazine.
"You should've told me right away!" Vix said, throwing up her arms in exasperation. "Now I feel like a jerk for not saying hi!"
"Shame on you," Kit said. A wry smile played at his mouth.
Vix sat down at the table, huffing indignantly.


Ridley stared at the window for a moment, wondering what the hell was wrong with Relsy. He gave up on trying to understand and merely shook his head.
"Well then, Michael, Ridley, meet me in my apartment in two hours' time with a Pokemon. I'll show you what Team Galactic is capable of," Jasmine said.
"Right. We'll see," Ridley said as he headed back to his room. "Michael, could I have a word with you? Meet me in my room." With that, he headed into his room, shutting the door a bit firmly.

Last edited by Tortillera on Wed Sep 22, 2010 10:17 am; edited 1 time in total
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Chris Brown
Chris Brown

Number of posts : 483
Age : 29
Place you are be : the pants of my 2d husbandos
Warnings :
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Registration date : 2009-09-12

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lol Character: 5

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 22, 2010 8:48 am

"Greet to meetcha!" Fiyero declared, grinning. "Although it seems our Pokemon haven't started off on the right foot. This 'ere's Boc, my most trusted companion. He looks a lil' intimidating, but he's easy enough to get along wit'."
Boc lowered his head, sniffing at Roc. Roc just kept glaring at him, and stepped closer to Love.
"Aw, he looks sweet," Lady said, smiling at the Tauros. "Love is just shy around pokemon that aren't of her type, that's all," she said, gently nudging the pink pokemon with the toe of her boot.
Love peeked warily between Roc and Lady's boots. "Smooch?" she said.
Roc decided that maybe the strange pokemon wasn't so bad, since everyone else seemed to calm about it. He relaxed a bit, but stayed close to love.
"I have no idea what has gotten into Roc....he's usually friendly!" Neuge said, looking disapprovingly at her pokemon. "Oh, shouldn't we tell Vix Fiyero joined us, though?"


Jasmine cleared her throat, which caused Michael to look back at her.
"Well then, Michael, Ridley, meet me in my apartment in two hours' time with a Pokemon. I'll show you what Team Galactic is capable of." Jasmine said. She then left.
"She sure sounds proud of her abilities, huh..." Michael thought out loud.
Next to him, Ridley spoke again.
"Right. We'll see," He said as he headed back to his room. "Michael, could I have a word with you? Meet me in my room." With that, he headed into his room, shutting the door behind.
Michael sighed, but decided to go and talk to him. He walked to the door of Ridley's room and checked if it was locked. It wasn't, so he opened it and quickly stepped in.
"What do you want to talk about?"
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Number of posts : 2083
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Registration date : 2008-01-19

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PostSubject: Re: New Beginnings   New Beginnings - Page 2 Icon_minitimeWed Sep 22, 2010 9:36 am

"Oh! Yeah!" Lady agreed. "Come on! Kit probably told her already." She picked up Love and headed towards the pokemon center.


Ridley sat down at his desk chair, offering Michael the couch.
"This was a mistake," he started, putting his hands in his head and massaging his temples. "Some sort of joke. That crazy one who found the money shouldn't be here, what the fuck are we going to do with her? Unless she can be a bit more subtle, that's it. Fucking kaput. She can't just go jumping out a goddamn window every time she finds something.
"What do you propose we do?"
Ridley's tone was angry, but he asked the last part with a seriousness that couldn't have been good.
Din squawked, sensing the mood, and flew up to his nest.
Eris poked her head over the opposite desk edge, cautious of any more vases. Not liking the atmosphere either, she ducked back down, and slunk off to tease another caged pokemon.

Last edited by Tortillera on Wed Sep 22, 2010 10:15 am; edited 1 time in total
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