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Number of posts : 2083
Age : 29
Warnings :

Registration date : 2008-01-19

Charrie Displayz
lol Character:


So. uhm. yeah.


Valancia Volpir
Absolutely OCD about fairness. Strict & unyielding, but otherwise cool.
HB of balance and equality, yes.

Sahara Venousoku
Pronunciation: sah-HAIR-ah VEN-ooh-us-oh-koo
Nickname: Hey you, Druggie, Sandbag
Age: immortal since forever
Gender: Male
Birthday: January 13th
Species: Higher Being (sand/ground etc)
Sexuality: we're not completely sure but he's married to a female
Voice/Speech: stupid. idk
Nationality: HLian fuck yeah /shot
Language[s] Spoken: English and crazy and all kinds of slang for drugs. seriously
Current Occupation: none
Origin: World Above (2nd conceivement)
Current Residence: Level Zero (until i think of a better name)
Smoker/Drinker/Drug User: EVERYTHING
Catchphrase/Quote[?]: ... his insane laugh

Height: 6'9"
Weight: 200-something? essentially, he's made of sand. so, idk. i don't feel like processing thought right now ok.
Hair Color: Red with black ends
Eye Color: completely light blue
Preferred Clothing Style[?]: anything comfy.
Special Features[?]: his eyes are glass, for some reason. does not impair his vision.

Personality: When not on something, he is moody and serious.
Likes: drugs, alcohol, being licked, stripes, heat, noise
Dislikes: water, fire, headdaches, not being on something, winter
Fears: childhood memories. mostly blocks them out.
Talents/Skills: ... expert druggie?
Hobbies: drugs. also listening to loud music? and speaker/headphone collecting.

Social Life/Relationships
Parents: blocks them out.
Siblings: Jaikyu Venousoku
Children: Acid Voltirage, Trip Psychedelia
Other Relative: who knows
Partner/Best Friend: Gets along well with almost everyone
Other Important Friends: his bro lol. but if we count hl stuff then TIRA
Enemies: bats
Pets: none
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: no
Husband/Wife: Vieret Sayclair

History: later
Short Description/Biography: also later

Kitosis Catastrophic
Pronunciation: kit-OH-sis CAT-a-straw-fic
Nickname: Kit, Kit-kat, Kitty, Fatass (but he'll kill you for that)
Age: immortal since forever
Gender: Male
Birthday: July 21st
Species: Higher Being (plants, flora etc.)
Sexuality: straight (though torments kaiv by pretending to be gay)
Voice/Speech: uhhhhhh
Nationality: Higher Being-ian? i don't even
Language[s] Spoken: English, Latin, Aessonian, Banesfieldian (but not mountain dialect)
Current Occupation: none
Origin: World Above (2nd conceivement)
Current Residence: Level Zero (until i think of a better name)
Smoker/Drinker/Drug User: occaisionally drinks, will sometimes take stuff with sahara but only if sahara bugs him enough
Catchphrase/Quote[?]: "If I could give a fuck, I would."

Height: 6'8"
Weight: 200-something? i don't like this question
Hair Color: silver
Eye Color: yellow
Preferred Clothing Style[?]: layers, baggy stuff, long sleeves
Special Features[?]: large curse mark on his abdomen. red and shaped like a jagged mouth.

Personality: Rude towards strangers, but friendlier when you get to know him.
Likes: food, sun, water, good books, killing stuff, sleeping, tormenting kaiv
Dislikes: fire, cold, his son in law, being hungry, artificial sweeteners (allergic), pain
Fears: that vik will have a bad influence on daisy
Talents/Skills: plays guitar extremely well because when you're immortal you have time for this shit. not a horrendous singer either.
Hobbies: guitar playing, reading

Social Life/Relationships
Parents: long gone
Siblings: none
Children: Daisy Blissimer, Gaitlan Ivos
Other Relative: none
Partner/Best Friend: Lynthrope lmao
Other Important Friends: kaiv, in a way.
Enemies: ... fire?
Pets: none
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: no
Husband/Wife: Valancia Volpir

History: later
Short Description/Biography: also later

Jaikyu Venousoku
Pronunciation: JAI-kee-oo VEN-ooh-us-oh-koo
Nickname: Jai, Jai ho (lol ches)
Age: immortal since forever
Gender: Male
Birthday: May 15th
Species: Higher Being (manipulation etc)
Sexuality: straight
Voice/Speech: um idk
Nationality: HB
Language[s] Spoken: English, Aessonian, Southern Elven, French
Current Occupation: none
Origin: World Above (2nd conceivement)
Current Residence: Level Zero (until i think of a better name)
Smoker/Drinker/Drug User: drinks
Catchphrase/Quote[?]: "Well back in -ANY YEAR EVER-, they..."

Height: 7'5"
Weight: 200-something.
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: none
Preferred Clothing Style[?]: t-shirts, jeans, nothing fancy.
Special Features[?]: stupidly tall why even

Personality: logical, calm, passive, friendly. has an absolutely awful temper, but it takes a LOT to make him mad. don't test this
Likes: cars, planes, technology in general, sweet things, animals
Dislikes: being angry, vegetables, war
Fears: losing control
Talents/Skills: not a bad mechanic.
Hobbies: working on cars and stuff.

Social Life/Relationships
Parents: blocks them out.
Siblings: Sahara Venousoku
Children: Zeycer Divusion
Other Relative: who knows
Partner/Best Friend: probably his bro lol
Other Important Friends: kit? idk
Enemies: none
Pets: none
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: no
Husband/Wife: Sierbon Dinstro

History: later
Short Description/Biography: also later

Zeycer Divusion
Pronunciation: ZAY-sir di-VYOO-shun
Nickname: Zey, Zombie, and a bunch of mean stuff acid and kyrro call him aw.
Age: immortal since forever
Gender: Male
Birthday: November 28th
Species: Higher Being (death/spirits etc)
Sexuality: straight
Voice/Speech: creepy
Nationality: fu
Language[s] Spoken: Ancient Egyptian, English, Spanish
Current Occupation: hell management
Origin: Level Zero (2nd conceivement)
Current Residence: Level Zero (until i think of a better name)
Smoker/Drinker/Drug User: smokes & drinks
Catchphrase/Quote[?]: "You would not believe what happened today..."

Height: 7'2"
Weight: 200-something? dead weight, though. so. idk.
Hair Color: white
Eye Color: left is black with a purple iris and no pupil, right is normal with purple iris
Preferred Clothing Style[?]: leather and black and nothing colourful (fucking goth kid YOU HAVE NO FRIENDS, ZEYCER). usually wears formal stuff though so dress shirts, tie, etc. because HE WORKS A LOT. & likes to maintain a professional image
Special Features[?]: always smells like the grave and something burning.

Personality: generally tries to be friendly, always seems a bit stressed, easily frustrated, bad temper, impatient
Likes: starbucks, egyptian mythology, metal, good days, sleep
Dislikes: people who don't want to die, spirits with problems, acid, kyrro
Fears: acid and kyrro, sort of. just generally hates being around them and tries to avoid it
Talents/Skills: management, dealing with stress
Hobbies: chatting with the dead.

Social Life/Relationships
Parents: Jaikyu and Sierbon
Siblings: none
Children: none
Other Relative: none
Partner/Best Friend: Vikkarnaje
Other Important Friends: Shun, Belladonna, basically any "employees" of his
Enemies: Allyzorin, sort of. doesn't like her too much lol
Pets: none
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Belladonna
Husband/Wife: nope

History: later
Short Description/Biography: also later

Daisy Blissimer
Pronunciation: DAY-zee BLISS-imer
Nickname: Daisy, Airhead
Age: immortal since forever
Gender: Female
Birthday: March 27th
Species: Higher Being (wind etc)
Sexuality: straight
Voice/Speech: annoying
Nationality: :|
Language[s] Spoken: English, German, Mandarin Chinese, Banesfieldian
Current Occupation: none
Origin: Level Zero (2nd conceivement)
Current Residence: Level Zero (until i think of a better name)
Smoker/Drinker/Drug User: rarely drinks
Catchphrase/Quote[?]: "-annoying eeeeeee-"

Height: 6'5"
Weight: 100-something? really light.
Hair Color: pink
Eye Color: yellow
Preferred Clothing Style[?]: BRIGHT LOUD COLOURS. also comfy stuff, oversized t-shirts
Special Features[?]: smells nice always. hair always looks windswept.

Personality: bright, cheery, annoying, not nice when angry
Likes: sunny days, baked goods, fresh laundry smell, helping others
Dislikes: sadness, people dying, sickness
Fears: being angry
Talents/Skills: getting her way?
Hobbies: volunteer work, helping those in need

Social Life/Relationships
Parents: Kit and Val
Siblings: Gaitlan
Children: Vinyore and Seitelle
Other Relative: none
Partner/Best Friend: Harpital
Other Important Friends: Allyzorin
Enemies: none
Pets: none
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: no
Husband/Wife: Vikkarnaje

History: later
Short Description/Biography: also later

Gaitlan Ivos

Pronunciation: GAYT-lahn EYE-vohs
Nickname: Rock head, the thing, goatwhore, gailord, etc.
Age: immortal since forever
Gender: male
Birthday: April 17th
Species: Higher Being (rock, mountains, that sort of thing)
Sexuality: straight
Voice/Speech: quiet, polite.
Nationality: :UUUUU
Language[s] Spoken: english, some other ones but i'm lazy
Current Occupation: none
Origin: Level Zero (2nd conceivement)
Current Residence: Level Zero (until i think of a better name)
Smoker/Drinker/Drug User: may drink very occaisionally, & never a lot
Catchphrase/Quote[?]: i don't know. please, thank you, at your leaisure, may i humbly request that you do not trouble yourself over these matters, etc.

Height: 6'8"
Weight: oh fuck well. ROCK.
Hair Color: alllll black
Eye Color: black iris, red pupil
Preferred Clothing Style[?]: he wears what he likes. which leads to some terrible fashion choices.
Special Features[?]: DRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY ROUGH SKIN. it doesn't peel or anything, but. it's not oily you know

Personality: doesn't speak a lot, very polite, always honest, only expresses opinions when asked. if yo can pester him to give you advice, do it. difficult to provoke, but then he just gets EVEN QUIETER.
Likes: quite places, high places, birds, hanging around doing nothing
Dislikes: gossip, being bullied, being put on the spot, making important decisions, water
Fears: ... not a lot i guess. but he really doesn't like water.
Talents/Skills: idk ~godly powers~. what the fuck can a rock do. HE'S GOOD AT STANDING REALLY STILL
Hobbies: photography. because he likes to take pictures of the pretty mountains & other sceneries.

Social Life/Relationships
Parents: Kit & Val
Siblings: Daisy
Children: none
Other Relative: none
Partner/Best Friend: none
Other Important Friends: trip, because ~HE HAS A CRUSH ON HERRRR~ but is far too polite to say so
Enemies: acid & kyrro. although he would never admit this. ever
Pets: none
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: no
Husband/Wife: nope

History: later
Short Description/Biography: also later

Trip Psychadelia
Crazy chick. Acid's younger sister. Loves disorder, hates sitting still. Fucking off the wall 24/7, you know? Doesn't like to sleep. Loves Vegas.
HB of insanity of the mind.

Acid Voltirage
Pronunciation: AH-sid VOLT-ihrage
Nickname: Wirebrain, Electrofag (lol kiri)
Age: immortal since forever
Gender: male
Birthday: April 1st
Species: Higher Being (electricity, power etc)
Sexuality: straight
Voice/Speech: bitter
Nationality: hbese
Language[s] Spoken: English, Russian, German
Current Occupation: none
Origin: Level Zero (2nd conceivement)
Current Residence: Level Zero (until i think of a better name)
Smoker/Drinker/Drug User: none
Catchphrase/Quote[?]: does not talking count. because that is what he does. or does not do.

Height: 6'9"
Weight: 100-something? he is skinny.
Hair Color: bright blue
Eye Color: bright blue
Preferred Clothing Style[?]: likes sweaters, hoodies, that kind of stuff. not too many bright colours, more like black with neons.
Special Features[?]: always always when you touch there will be small static shock. also has acidic body fluids. like, all of them.

Personality: quiet, sadistic, angry, always seems to be on edge. better when with kyrro or tormenting.
Likes: electrical storms, power plants, generators, batteries, bullying
Dislikes: water, grounding, people who are indifferent to torment, sexual frustration
Fears: none
Talents/Skills: learning to play guitar. he is practicing.
Hobbies: playing guitar, raiding power plants and electronics stores

Social Life/Relationships
Parents: Sahara and Vieret
Siblings: Trip
Children: none
Other Relative: none
Partner/Best Friend: Kyrro
Other Important Friends: Kyrro again. because these two are like what
Enemies: vik and zey really hate him lol
Pets: none
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: no
Husband/Wife: none

History: later
Short Description/Biography: also later

Kaivallen DeFlume
Pronunciation: KYE-vahllen DAY-floom
Nickname: Kaiv, Frosty, Orphan (only kit calls him this and it will piss him off so much you don't even)
Age: immortal since forever
Gender: male
Birthday: Novemeber 2nd
Species: Higher Being (ice/cold temperatures etc)
Sexuality: straight
Voice/Speech: the kind people love to hear
Nationality: HB-IAN
Language[s] Spoken: Northern Elven, Russian, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Norwegian, basically a lot.
Current Occupation: none
Origin: World Above (2nd conceivement)
Current Residence: Level Zero (until i think of a better name)
Smoker/Drinker/Drug User: drinks, smokes for the image sometimes (depends on situation etc)
Catchphrase/Quote[?]: none

Height: 6'8"
Weight: 200-something? WHAT DOES ICE WEIGH
Hair Color: white
Eye Color: red
Preferred Clothing Style[?]: things that make him look good, if anything at all.
Special Features[?]: always cold to touch. if he consumes too much liquid, it leaks from his tear ducts, saliva glands, nose, and ears so it does not freeze up in him and cause problems.

Personality: extremely flirtatious and charming on the surface, but is manipulative and selfish. absolutely hates not getting his way and is a brat about it.
Likes: sexual intercourse, ice cream, cold weather, north pole and south pole, getting his way, flirting
Dislikes: fire, being hit on by men (even for a joke), spicy foods, drinking too much
Fears: does not like to melt i guess
Talents/Skills: excellent bass player.
Hobbies: is sex a hobby? idk

Social Life/Relationships
Parents: deceased. do not ask him about them.
Siblings: none
Children: Kyrro
Other Relative: none
Partner/Best Friend: Leo
Other Important Friends: Kit, sort of
Enemies: none
Pets: none
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: no
Husband/Wife: Harpital

History: later
Short Description/Biography: also later

Harpital Avifors
A female HB who can change her appearance when around men. She's very flirty, but is also caring to a fault.
Thoroughly enjoys cooking and singing.
and mom-ing stuff. don't let her bring in any hobos.
HB of flight and freedom.

Kyrro Quafors
Pronunciation: KIR-oh KWA-fors
Nickname: Sharky, fishface, stupid, would-you-please-fucking-shut-up-what-the-fuck-is-wrong-with-you
Age: immortal since forever
Gender: male
Birthday: February 3rd
Species: Higher Being (water/liquids etc)
Sexuality: straight
Voice/Speech: loud.
Nationality: gvngvngvngvnldgvl
Language[s] Spoken: Desperian, English, Russian
Current Occupation: none
Origin: Level Zero (2nd conceivement)
Current Residence: Level Zero (until i think of a better name)
Smoker/Drinker/Drug User: drinks for sure
Catchphrase/Quote[?]: stuff like man, dude, bro, etc.

Height: 6'8"
Weight: 200-something? idk in water though.
Hair Color: white with green ends
Eye Color: blue scleras, green irises
Preferred Clothing Style[?]: things that are tight in the right places. favourite thing is a necklace and swim trunks. generally does not like to wear clothes.
Special Features[?]: always slightly damp.

Personality: loud, cheerful (mostly at the wrong times), flirtatious, easygoing, pretty mean but never actually seems like it.
Likes: surfing, storms, wrecking ships, whirlpools, the sea floor, swimming, bullying, flirting
Dislikes: dryness, people who don't react to torment, being ignored, pollution, fishing
Fears: pollution of all water on earth (not so much scared as angrily anticipating)
Talents/Skills: surfing/swimming EXPERT MASTER GURU whatnot. talented marine biologist? lol
Hobbies: surfing

Social Life/Relationships
Parents: Kaiv and Harp
Siblings: none
Children: Phorein
Other Relative: none
Partner/Best Friend: Acid
Other Important Friends: Acid. because he's just that important to kyrro
Enemies: vik and zey i guess lol
Pets: none
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: no
Husband/Wife: Maeri

History: later
Short Description/Biography: also later

Leozeorzi Gensuso
Quiet and likes to think a lot. Leo really likes to not be noticed at all.
Used to be very mean. Still can be, if you provoke him. Not recommended.
do not call him scarfy.
HB of illusions.

Maeri Pazzun
Leo and Psvan's daughter, etc. Passionate and loyal, she'll defend anyone she's on good terms with, reason or no reason.
Enjoys monopoly a lot. Has a bit of a temper, sometimes over the top in defending.
HB of fire.

Phorein Luridae
Loyal like her mother, but laid back like her father. She's very optimistic, and always tries to make everyone happy.
Doesn't like to fight. At all.
HB of physics.

HB of life

Vikkarnaje Zeesriddan
Pronunciation: vik-KAR-naj ZEES-riddan
Nickname: Vik, Plagueface, a lot of mean stuff by acid and kyrro
Age: immortal since forever
Gender: male
Birthday: October 26th
Species: Higher Being (disease/infections etc)
Sexuality: straight
Voice/Speech: grating, angry
Nationality: gvngvngvngvnldgvl
Language[s] Spoken: English
Current Occupation: none
Origin: earth (2nd conceivement)
Current Residence: Level Zero (until i think of a better name)
Smoker/Drinker/Drug User: drinks, smokes so much like you don't even
Catchphrase/Quote[?]: swears a lot.

Height: 6'7"
Weight: 200-something? fack
Hair Color: black with one white streak
Eye Color: red sclera, grey irises
Preferred Clothing Style[?]: stuff that is considered punk and rebellious. nothing tight. LIKES HIS LEATHER JACKET A LOT
Special Features[?]: UNPLEASANT TO TOUCH.

Personality: angry, aggresive, bitter, rude, inconsiderate, quite different when with daisy.
Likes: biological warfare, mass death by disease, suffering of people, giving people all kinds of viruses and infections and whatnot
Dislikes: cures, doctors, good health, leo
Fears: cures for all diseases, in which he will just make new ones but can't use any of his favourites anymore aww.
Talents/Skills: disease expert? not too bad at drumming.
Hobbies: chain-smoking, drumming, spreading germs

Social Life/Relationships
Parents: Allyzorin, father is deceased
Siblings: none
Children: Vinyore and Seitelle
Other Relative: none
Partner/Best Friend: Zeycer
Other Important Friends: tries to stay on good terms with kit and val (OOOO IN-LAWS)
Enemies: acid and kyrro
Pets: none
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: no
Husband/Wife: Daisy

History: later
Short Description/Biography: also later

Lynthrope Nurelle
HB of nature

Zevean Choron
HB of time/age

Vieret Sayclair
HB of knowledge/wisdom

Sierbon Dinstro
HB of destruction and chaos

Vinyore Twynli
HB of dusk and shadows

Seitelle Dawnyae
HB of dawn and light

i am a lazy fuck
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