You heard me, don't you cowards show your faces here around here again. I know its been already said, but I fully agree with Kiri and Roy. After I talked to Hoodsie yesterday, I learned that its not his fault you people are leaving, its yours!
Now for those who left while the fighting was actually going on, it's understandable and we're more then happy to have you back.
But for the peeps who left days after it was supossedly over, you are just feeding the flame and had me getting worked up at Hoodsie for no reason. So grow up and stay the fuck out, because this is just causing even more dilemma.
I don't know whats going on ATM, but I know its not fighting. Last time I checked we were looking for a solution. Don't want to be a part of that? Fine. Leave.
As quoted by Cheska, "LEAVING. YOU'RE DOING IT WRONG."
*waves at your departures* :)