Alright, times have changed. These aren't really rules, per se. I don't kick or ban anymore either. ... Unless you're really being a dick. Then I'll just de-admin you or something.
So yeah, two things that should be obeyed to a certain degree.
Bashing is an offense! If you don't like something, just say 'I don't like it' or 'I'd rather not talk about it', something along those lines. There's no need to be an asshole about it. (Does not apply to JoeHoes, Miley Cywalrus, Twatlight, et cetera.)
I don't care if you're blunt, it doesn't kill you to be polite. If everyone were fine with it, it would be okay. But if something someone likes, and you really hate it, just say "I don't really like this, can we please change the topic?" something like that. But if everyone is talking about it except for you, well, you're fucked. Try and join in or go do something of your own.
We don't care to know details of your sex life. Saying who you're dating is fine, and if you two are together in the CB, you can be like, '-hugs-' or something. But there's no need to be a radio about it. OCs are also under this rule, unless the two people who wish do to whatever with their OCs (don't be a pig :| ) are the sole members in the CB.