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Number of posts : 2083
Age : 29
Warnings :
GALL AND ACHE YAY Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100GALL AND ACHE YAY Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-01-19

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PostSubject: GALL AND ACHE YAY   GALL AND ACHE YAY Icon_minitimeSun Nov 02, 2008 11:59 am

"So, how was your day?"
This nonchalant sentence, commonly used without a thought, was the start of something tremendously horrible.
"Oh, the usual. Had a lot of customers come in, you know, it being near Christmas and all."
"That's good to hear."
"How was yours?"
"Oh, I met up with an old friend today!"
"... A friend? From where?"
"His name is Logan Dunnings, and he works at the garage down on Havendale."
"I see. Where do you know him from?"
"We were just friends in highschool, you know."
"... What? We're just friends!"
"Oh, I know, I know."
"Jesus, Vic, just because I talk to a guy doesn't mean I love him or anything!"
"I know."
"Yeah, you'd better.
With that, Jezebelle left the room, heading to her own.
Victor ran his fingers through his blond hair and got up from the small table, flopping down on the couch. Is Jezebelle getting herself into something? he pondered. Better to be safe than sorry, though. I'll look into this...

Victor went into their room later, to find Jezebelle sleeping. He didn't want to rouse her, so instead he joined her, stripping off his shirt and pants and sliding in under the sheets, holding her protectively in his arms. She murmured something indistinguishable in her sleep, and nuzzled her face into his masculine chest.

Author's note:

The next morning, Victor was up early. Being engaged and all, they lived together, so naturally, Jezebelle had her computer there. He turned it on, started up her internet browser and was relieved to see that she still saved her password on her Facebook. Browsing through her friends list, he found Logan Dunnings, and read his profile information. So, he makes regular trips here... I'm glad Facebook has this routine option...

Later on, Victor was driving to work, reviewing his plan in his mind.
He had done this for a while now whenever Jezebelle had met up with an old male 'friend', he would kill or disable him in some way. Not always directly, however, this was one of the few times he could. When he did, it was risky, but he did it out of his love for Jezebelle. I'm protecting her... he convinced himself.
He arrived at his shop, a place that sold fresh-cut meat. A butcher shop, an old fashioned one. Victor didn't believe it was healthy to buy frozen meat, and he never froze his when he could avoid it. It was somewhta costly, but he could afford it, as it brought in quite a few customers. One of them being Jezebelle's 'friend'.
Joseph is here in mornings... That's why I've never seen Logan come in.
Victor walked in, and Joseph looked up from the till, surprised to see his boss here for the early shift. "Hey, what's up?" Joseph asked, curios. Victor smiled. "You can take the day off today," he said. "It's near the holidays."
Joseph was surprised more, but wasn't about to complain. "Hey, thanks, boss," he said, hurrying out the door before Victor could change his mind.

Victor opened up shop short after, hooking up the electric grinder in the way he used for killing. Having one end of a random cord seemingly disconnected, while the grinder was still plugged in. He added a few other electric machines to it to creat a mess of wires. He stepped back and admired his handiwork, smirking to himself.

The small bell overhead the door jingled, announcing the presence of a customer.
"Right on time," Victor muttered under his breath.

Logan Dunnings, who was considerably shorter than Victor, walked into the shop, ready to buy his morning bacon. He looked in surprise at the tall, blond, broad-shouldered male at the till, quite the opposite of who he was used to seeing.
Victor, noting his surprised look, informed Logan that he was the owner and had taken both shifts today. Logan nodded, satisfied with this information. He then asked for his regular pickup, did Victor know it?
Victor nodded. "But you see, my grinder is broken, and I heard from my fiance, Jezebelle, that you're a mechanic."
"Ah, Jezzie," Logan said, smiling.
Victor's face darkened with anger, but only for a second.
"Yes, yes, you heard correctly," Logan said cheerily.
"Wonderful, then...?"
"Yes, yes, show me where it is."

Victor lead him to the back room, locking the door slently with keys and sliding them into his pocket. "It's just in the corner there," Victor said.
"Yes yes, I see.... So, what exactly is wrong with it?" Logan asked.
"Well," said Victor, "feel the blade, I think it feels loose or something."
Logan peered under the counter for a moment, saw a dangling cord, and assumed it was for the grinder. He stuck his hand in, inching his way toward the blade. He rubbed his fingers along one end. "It doesn't feel-"
Victor switched the grinder on.
Logan scream of pain was shrill, and Victor was grinning with the most devilish intent. He grabbed Logan's wrist and forced his hand in more, loving the sound of bones grinding.
But Logan, working with metals every day, wasn't as weak as Victor's previous victims. With a burst of adrenaline, he was able to wrench what was left of his hand out. Victor was taken off guard, and Logan reached high as he could, and just managed to grab the hair on the back of Victor's head with his good hand. He then shoved Victor, face first, into the still-whirring grinder.
His screams were worse than Logan's, and he was frantically flailing around, trying to free himself of the grip that held him. His hand found a knife, and, grasping it in a deathgrip, he stabbed Logan's midsection with it. His grip let up and Victor wrenched his face from the blender, but there was a gaping hole where his right eye used to be.
Logan backed away, holding his midsection in pain. Victor was infuriated that this had happened, absolutely seething with rage. Logan hit a wall wen he backed up, which was bare, save for a small shelf with a bottle of something on it. Logan, using his good hand, unscrewed the top and, seeing Victor's sudden stop in his slow advancement, hurled it with all the strength he could muster. He then sank to his knees, suddenly exhausted.
The open bottle spun through the air, and some of it's contents splashed on the left side of Victor's jaw. To his horror, the skin and muscle began to dissolve there, exposing his gums and teeth. He shrieked angrily and reflexed, trying to get it off with his hand. However, the chemical got on his hand and burnt away some of his fingers.

Last edited by VULVIX |D on Thu Nov 06, 2008 8:08 pm; edited 6 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: GALL AND ACHE YAY   GALL AND ACHE YAY Icon_minitimeSun Nov 02, 2008 12:14 pm

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Oozing Anus
Gordon Freeman
Gordon Freeman
Oozing Anus

Number of posts : 1530
Age : 30
Place you are be : in the middle of nowhere
Warnings :
GALL AND ACHE YAY Left_bar_bleue50 / 10050 / 100GALL AND ACHE YAY Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-02-18

Charrie Displayz
lol Character: 69

PostSubject: Re: GALL AND ACHE YAY   GALL AND ACHE YAY Icon_minitimeSun Nov 02, 2008 3:17 pm

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Number of posts : 2083
Age : 29
Warnings :
GALL AND ACHE YAY Left_bar_bleue0 / 1000 / 100GALL AND ACHE YAY Right_bar_bleue

Registration date : 2008-01-19

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lol Character:

PostSubject: Re: GALL AND ACHE YAY   GALL AND ACHE YAY Icon_minitimeMon Nov 03, 2008 10:09 am

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PostSubject: Re: GALL AND ACHE YAY   GALL AND ACHE YAY Icon_minitime

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