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 Beast's Journal~! Things happening in Life!

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Beast's Journal~! Things happening in Life! Empty
PostSubject: Beast's Journal~! Things happening in Life!   Beast's Journal~! Things happening in Life! Icon_minitimeSat Jul 12, 2008 9:08 am

Wednesday, July 25, 2008

So like Sushi went to stalk Rice's face and Sushi as usual gets sidetracked from fluffy animals. Sushi and Rice were unaware that Rice's parents' car was like coming at us-ish. Then Rice knocked over a pot of flower and ditched Sushi. Sushi and Rice were liek all super hyper doing the biking part. Sushi kept on attempting to murder Rice. Both were acting like very drunk peoplez. They stopped at the park and started being pathetic. Sushi was a chicken and couldn't get herself to go down the slide. The slide was a steep non-spiral slide. Then Sushi "forced" Rice down the slide. (Rice sorta just offer herself). After Rice went down the slide, Sushi went down the slide and went back up to go on the spiraly slide which was taller, but it was wet and had a bee in it so Sushi decided not to. Sushi was being pwn by the playground equipment. At the end, Rice wanted to be married to Sushi on the swings, but Sushi kept on refusing. Instead, Sushi kept on trying to murder Rice on the swing, which at the end made Rice ditch Sushi. (which wasn't possible because of Sushi's bike pwning skillz). Then Sushi and Rice cont. to bike and act all drunkish. They were high for some random reasonz. Rice kept on being pathetic on the bike, freaking out whenever Sushi 'pretends' to murder Rice on her bike. (They also ended up stalking some random people)
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Beast's Journal~! Things happening in Life! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Beast's Journal~! Things happening in Life!   Beast's Journal~! Things happening in Life! Icon_minitimeSat Jul 12, 2008 9:09 am

Friday, July 11, 2008

So like Sushi, Rice, and Sushi's bro (aka Demon), where going out for lunch today. So they got on their bikes and had a blast crossing U.S. 52, a very evil, trafficful, with stupid drivers, street thingy. ;3 Sushi kept on telling Rice that she would lead them to their doooOOOOooooooOOOOOoooooOOOOooom, but Rice got them across anyways. Sushi was quite amazed at Rice's rookie skillz of crossing the street. xD The gang then started heading to Dog 'n Suds for their lunch. They left their bike in the shade so the seat wouldn't burn their buttz when they got on their bike again. After they finish figuring out what they want, Sushi forced Rice to do the ordering. Rice did quite well until she stumble upon a word. x3 When they started eating (they were outside eating), the wind decided to pick up and which made them litter. They finished eating and saw a lady picking up all their littered trash off the ground. Then they got back on their bikes again and started biking to the nearby stores. On their way there, a car honked at them, and when they turned to look, it was their doom. They got hit by a car. =D ... ... ... Well not really. They looked and saw it was Sushi's and Rice's computer applications teacher. Earlier when Sushi, Rice, and Demon was eating, Sushi predicted that they would see one of their teacherz. So now that the prediction came true, Sushi and Rice couldn't really stop thinking and talking about it. There was an ice cream shop, Silver Dipper, close by and Demon wanted to go in, but Sushi and Rice were too full. So they all went into stores by Silver Dipper and decided to waste time so they can eat ice cream later. But even after spending time in the other stores, they were still full, so they got on their bikes and headed down to Marsh and went wandering around in there. Soon they got bored of wandering around and left to go back to Silver Dipper to get ice cream. Sushi forced Demon to go first in ordering then Rice. When it came time for Sushi to order she screwed up badly. Then they ate the ice cream and got on their bikes to go back. On their way back was harder though. There were stupid drivers that didn't know how to drive or the law of traffic. Either it was that or the stop lights weren't working too nicely. Every time it showed that they could cross the street, a car would turn and they couldn't cross. So they sat their being pissed about not being able to cross the street (remember this is U.S. 52) and waited til they could cross the street. On the way back it wasn't really interesting. Sushi dropped her ten dollar bill and Demon picked it up and kept it for himself. They went to Sushi's house to rest from the heat, and ended up being tormented to listening to Barbie music due to Demon and his obsession with Barbies. Sushi and Rice decided to ditch Demon and went to Rice's house to play Pokemon D/P. Later Sushi went back home and that wraps it up!
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