I'll edit this. this is a mediocre review
First I'll start off with singleplayer,
the story feels like an action movie and the characters feel like real people. The graphics and detail of every level is amazing and the feel you get from this game you can get from no other. This game really shows the personality of the main character, even as you play, making the character's developmental made even with gameplay. the main gameplay consists of Wall Platforming, Shooting/Stealth, and Puzzles.
Second Multiplayer
I loved this unique TPS feel and gamemodes such as pistol only capture the treasure really is a ton of fun. the visuals from singleplayer remain and you can even use multiple character, from other games such as InFamous and Killzone. I will be playing this more often, if only other played with me. The main appeal of this multiplayer though is the unique combination of shooting/platforming. EVERYTHING you learn from single player transitions perfectly into multiplayer.
the game has it's problems, unrealistic physics, trouble getting to a right cover, aiming and general shooting feel very generic but smooth.
This is really Naughty Dog material, from the guys who made crash and jak and daxter. I really love the unique feel of it.